Gun play pt. 2

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A/n if it doesn't say "Your POV" then that's my way of doing ghost's POV I'm not good at male ones

Ghost looks at you his eyes filled with amusement and dominance as you convulse in the throes of an orgasm.

He can feel your walls tighten around him, your body shake uncontrollably and your legs fight against your pleasure. A smug smile pulls at his lips as he watches you below him.

"Did you really think you could hide that from me?" His eyes darken as his voice drops low and stern, his eyes never leave yours, he knows you've made a mistake.

He laughs historically at you looking down watching your chest rise and fall; who knows that could be your last breathes before he ends your life.

"You're a pathetic little whore that can't control herself, now you're gonna pay for your disobedience" he stands and walks away leaving the room for a sheer moment before returning with what looked like a blind fold and a revolver.

I look up at him as he pulls himself out once again and walks out of the room.

He returns with what I can make out as a revolver and a blind fold and a single bullet he stands before me naked his breathing heavy along with mine.

My legs are still shaking as I watch him my heart pounding nervous yet excited for the thought of what his gonna do to me next

My sick mind hoping he kills me now with all this pressure burning out of me.

After a while of him standing there he walks over to me "sit up" he says sternly I do as I'm told, he then wraps the blind fold around my head and ties it tight he pushes my head down on the bed hard it leaves me with a small headache.

After a while of hearing the revolvers magazine spin it finally stops.

Ghost then grabs my by my hips and flips me over onto him stomach I already know he wants me up so I fix myself pushing myself up off the bed and sit there waiting for him to say something.

For a moment ghost says nothing.

The silence hangs heavy in the room then after a while he finally speaks up "you're going to be an obedient little whore right?" He fixes the way your facing since you can't really see your body wasn't straight "you're going to do as you're told without question"

He pauses relishing your vulnerability then continues; "And if you disappoint me again there will be consequences" the gun clicks behind you "Painful consequences"

You nod your head slightly in understanding "Now beg for it, beg for what you so desperately crave"
I close my eyes since I can't see anyways then feel ghost behind me he's moving closer "now beg for it" he says and I do so "Please ghost fuck me I'm yours to use i want you to leave your mark on me" I thrust my hips back.

"My mark huh?" He says with a chuckle "I can do that for you princess" he says as he slaps him ass hard I knew there would be a potential bruise there along with his massive hand print.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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