Chapter one

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Math class is about to finish and as bell rings, students are quickly getting ready to leave the class.

"And remember about the homework."

Kunikida reminds in formal tone of voice.
"And y/n, could you stay a little after class?"
As everyone, expect of you, left the class he speaks to you.

"I saw that you were harming yourself today... What's wrong?"
He says in a concerned voice.

"Oh- well.. just some things from my past.. nothing serious really" y/n said.

"You are lying to me. Don't play dumb with me, y/n... I have seen your scars and don't even try to deny it! Are you doing this because of the stress you feel or is there something more to it?"

"..." you kept silent not sure what to tell you're teacher.

"I am waiting for an answer, y/n..."
He looks at you, his tone is getting more and more serious.

"I don't know.. guess I just want to feel something, anything, even if it's bad.." you eventually said.

Kunikida sits down on the table, looking at you with concern in his eyes.
"y/n, I understand that you may feel the way, but the path you have chosen is not the right one..."
He puts his hands on the table, resting his chin on his hands.

"Is something troubling your heart that much that you harm yourself? You can open up to me, y/n. No one is going to find out..."

"If I may ask y/n, it wasn't the first time that you have harmed yourself, wasn't it?"
He looks at you with his deep green-grey eyes, trying his best to understand the reason behind your actions.

"Yeah, no it wasn't the first time..." you replied with a humble voice.

Kunikida sighs as he turns his head away.
He clears his throat as he tries to find the right words.
"Why are you doing this to yourself? You have your whole life in front of you. Why take such a risk?"

"I- I uh.. I don't know.." you replied looking at the ground.

Kunikida leans forward and holds you're hand with both of his hands, making eye contact with you.
"That's not true y/n! I know that you have feelings, I know it... I know that it's because of some painful event that you can't forget, isn't it?"

"..I- yeah.." you reply, what he said was true.

"Y/n... I am not going to force you, but... I... I want to help you, please, allow me..."
Kunikida looks genuinely worried.
"I am genuinely concerned about you're well being. Please, trust me, y/n..."

"..." You're not sure what to say.

He waits for an answer, but before you could speak his phone starts ringing, distracting the teacher.
"Just for a moment..."
He reaches for his phone in his pocket and checks the caller.
"Oh, it's my mom... I've... I've got go, but before I go, I just want to say that when I am there for you, y/n. I am your real friend... You can trust me. So... If you need to open up to someone, I am the one..."
He smiles reassuringly at you.

"Yeah sensei.." You say in silent voice.

"Remember, y/n, whatever that troubles you, I am going to help you with it. And please, trust me, and stop harming yourself..."
He stands up and walks to the door, saying his last word.
"Trust me..."
He closes the door and leaves the class.

As Kunikida leaves the class and approaches the teacher's room, a thought comes through his head.
"I wonder if something happened to them after our conversation? I hope that everything is alright..."
He sighs and sits down on the chair, taking the phone call, still concerned about y/n.

Kunikida teacher comfort? (TW: SH)Where stories live. Discover now