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Seven Minutes in Heaven

Joong and Dunk sat together with their friends in a cozy living room. The mood was lively, and they had already had a lot of fun. When someone suggested playing the game "Seven Minutes in Heaven," they were initially hesitant but eventually agreed.

The bottle was spun and turned slowly before finally pointing at Dunk. An excited murmur passed through the group. Dunk swallowed nervously but smiled to hide his jitters. He reached into the hat containing the names of the other participants and pulled out a slip of paper."Joong," Dunk read the name softly. He felt his heart beating faster. Joong, who sat beside him, gave a slight smile and stood up. The others cheered them on with excited whispers as they headed towards the dark room.

The door closed behind them, and Dunk could barely see anything. He heard Joong's light steps as he approached. Suddenly, he felt Joong's hand searching for his, and he immediately took it. Joong's hand felt warm and comforting, and Dunk felt his nervousness slowly fade away."Hey," Joong whispered softly. "Are you okay?"

Dunk nodded, even though Joong couldn't see it. "Yeah, I'm fine."The minutes passed as they simply stood there, hands entwined. Dunk began to feel Joong's proximity, the way he breathed, the warmth of his body. The darkness created an intimate atmosphere that Dunk had never imagined.

"I like you, Dunk," Joong confessed quietly. "For a while now."Dunk's heart seemed to skip a beat. "I like you too, Joong. You're really amazing."Their faces were inches apart, and Dunk could feel Joong's breath on his skin. Without thinking, he leaned in and pressed his lips gently against Joong's. It was a cautious kiss, filled with all the pent-up feelings they had for each other.

Joong returned the kiss tenderly, and for a moment, they lost themselves in the darkness. Time seemed to stand still as they slowly pulled away from each other, their foreheads resting against one another.

"I think the seven minutes are up," Joong whispered with a soft laugh.Dunk couldn't help but smile. "It felt like much more than seven minutes."They stepped out of the dark room, their hands still intertwined. The others stared at them, clearly curious about what had happened in the darkness.

"Well?" someone called impatiently. "What did you guys do?"Joong and Dunk exchanged a glance before both of them smiled."We just chatted," Dunk said with a cheeky grin.

As they rejoined the group, their friends exchanged knowing looks, but Joong and Dunk simply shrugged off the curiosity with playful smiles. The atmosphere was different now, a subtle understanding lingering between them, as if a new chapter had silently begun.Throughout the evening, Joong and Dunk found themselves stealing glances at each other, their smiles carrying an extra layer of meaning. Their conversations were filled with a newfound comfort, as if the darkness had granted them a unique bond that words couldn't fully express.When the gathering eventually started to wind down, and their friends began to disperse, Joong and Dunk remained behind, tidying up the remains of the evening's festivities."You know," Joong began as he folded up a tablecloth, "I'm glad we ended up in that dark room together."

Dunk chuckled softly, putting away some glasses. "Yeah, who would've thought a game could lead to something like this?"Joong stepped closer, a playful glint in his eyes. "Maybe we should thank that game for giving us the push we needed."

Dunk's heart skipped a beat at the implication. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"Joong's smile turned into a sincere one as he gently took Dunk's hand. "I'm saying that I really like you, Dunk. And I want to explore whatever this connection is between us."Dunk's smile mirrored Joong's as he squeezed Joong's hand. "I like you too, Joong. And I'm more than willing to see where this goes."

Their fingers intertwined, sealing the unspoken agreement between them. It was a quiet moment, devoid of any game or darkness, just two individuals acknowledging the start of something new and exciting. And as they stood there, hand in hand, in the fading light of the evening, they knew that their journey was only just beginning, and the memory of those seven minutes in the dark would forever hold a special place in their hearts, a reminder of how unexpected moments could lead to the most beautiful connections.

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