Chapter 5

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I felt the blood trickle down my neck, but I wasn't about to react. Rune looked like he was about to lose his mind. Standing next to me laughing a laugh that scared even the darkest parts of myself. I don't understand why he particularly seems to be interested in me, but I feel as though my stubbornness in not submitting may have just cost me any disinterest he did have in me and only fueled a bigger more dangerous fire towards me. 

"I was right about you..." he said licking the blood of the dagger and the sight made me feel sick. Even though he had the appearance of a demon you could see that there are just some things about him that just isn't normal.  What exactly is he right about? He still hasn't told me anything about why he brought me here, or any of my questions for that matter. He just seems to enjoy causing me to have more questions.

"About what exactly," I say disgusted at the sight of him, he may have a pretty face but every interaction with him just seems to turn me off more and more. He leaned against the desk grazing the dagger over his arm as if it was his favorite pastime. "That you got guts, which is what I need," he says "You know how hard it is to find a human with a fighting spirit, like geez you guys are boring," He said annoyed. This sentence enraged me, what kind of ignorant asshole would say that. "Whose fault do you think that is dumbass" I snapped at him no longer caring about any repercussions I could receive. He smirked that smirk again that formed knots in my stomach, the reason? not sure. 

"You got more fight than I thought, I mean after our beginning encounter in section 20 I thought you may be just who I need and now I know that you are the warrior I am going to create," He says both of us still haven't moved from our positions, not even the blood on my neck could steal my attention from him. What could he mean by our encounter in section 20? I didn't meet him until I got here to section 1. I think he could sense my confusion and decided to gift me with more information. "Well, the day that you collapsed you also happened to awaken. Of course, I couldn't just leave you there in section 20 with the power potential you showed. My underlings were about to kill you when you blew up all of section 20 with the mana explosion you produced and I was the only one to survive. It seemed my men weren't as powerful as I thought they were. A true let you see" With every word that came out I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Me? Awakening? Exploding? Killing? There is no way that someone like me is powerful enough to wipe out an entire section of people including two high-ranked demons. "After that, I just knew I had to bring you along, and since you didn't remember anything I was going to act like it never happened. Yet, I started getting excited when I realized how useful you could be to me and my plan" he said still not dropping my gaze.

"Why would I help you? And what the hell is your plan anyway?" I say practically spitting at him with annoyance. "You're going to help me whether you like it or not, mind control or willingly. I can't let a useful tool like you go." He continues "As for the plan, you are going to help me kill the demon king, it's time for a new ruler. The last century has been fun but my father is not one for change and this way of life has grown too boring for me" He said. It was hard to believe what I was hearing. He wants me to help him kill the most powerful being there is? Me? I could barely throw a punch and even if I have the power he claims I do I have no way of using it. I scoffed at him in disbelief I shouldn't be surprised he just sees my life as a means to an end or else he wouldn't be trying to throw a human at the demon king against their will if necessary. 

"You begin training next week. Be can go now I have things that I must do to prepare for the start of my plan" He magically lifts me up and practically throws me out the door. What an asshole I think as I fall to the floor when I feel the magic leave my body. Things really have taken a turn for the worse, not only did I supposedly kill hundreds of people but now I am being forced to work with a demon. I start to head to my room now that I see that our conversation lasted until nightfall which I hadn't even noticed until now. When I arrived at my room I quickly changed into my nightgown and lay in my bed. Staring at the ceiling I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid my wandering thoughts and nightmares now. I had no way of knowing how to cope with all this new information I was given. What surprised me even more is instead of being afraid I felt excitement, all at the thought of doing something different and possibly being able to free myself in the process.

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