Chapter 2

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As I walked onto the steps of the laboratory I felt a shiver electrify my body, something was off.  I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I knew that whatever it was I was not gonna like it. Reluctantly I walked through the big white doors and as soon as I entered I instantly regretted my decision. I saw three demons in front of me...ones that looked of very high authority..powerful. The vampires running the laboratory also looked uncomfortable at the presence. You can tell when the demons are of high authority when they look like humans, but not at the same time. The air around them was different and being in the same room as them was enough to make you freeze in fear. 

Seeing demons here was relatively normal around here to keep everything running smoothly, but high-ranking ones? was unheard of. I didn't seem to be the only human to notice their presence either but we all continued to proceed as normal to avoid being noticed. I walked up to the check-in desk and the vampire there looked nervous but slightly annoyed. She kept glancing over at the demons interacting with about two other vampires instead of acknowledging me at the desk. As I begin to talk she quickly interrupts and just says "arm" with a slightly irritated tone. I reached my arm towards her and she then scanned the barcode tattooed into my forearm. This barcode was handcuffs, with this they could track me and keep track of everything I did. 

She gestured me away and proceeded to continue scanning in others. I steal another glance at the interaction of the demons and the vampires and notice it getting more tense and I unwillingly shuddered at the sight. I pushed through the next set of doors and joined the line of humans waiting their turns to get their withdrawals done trying not to think about what I saw. As I was about to take a seat for my turn all of a sudden I heard a scream and then there was a loud crash. It didn't take long for the panic and fear to set in, but it didn't solely come from humans this time it was the vampires too. This was how I knew whatever was happening we were all fucked. Before I could realize what was happening the demons burst through the doors, covered in blood and looking pretty fucking pissed off. Without pausing they began slaughtering everyone in sight regardless of what they were...human and vampire alike. 

I started looking around trying to find anything or any way of escape before they got to me. I had to keep tuning out the screams as I felt my eyes tear up as I knew they were getting closer. As my fear started to escalate I felt my body start jerking not allowing my feet to move "fuck....fuck" I curse under my breath as I fall to the ground the tears I tried fighting off now falling from my face. My heart raced like never before and I was sure my heart was going to give out honestly I was fine with that idea because maybe I would die before they got to me and that fate seemed a lot more merciful. However, as I was sure of an end my body started to feel an excruciating and overwhelming pain. I screamed out which seemed to get the attention of the demons and they all turned and faced me. As they approached me I felt something snap and the last thing I saw before everything went black was them looking at me with shock and then there was nothing.

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