1. Origin

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Masaki Bakugo is a 14-year-old middle school student she has lived with her father her whole life (Masaru Bakugo) in a small flat she never new her mother and never intended to. Hearing all about the horrible person she was from her Father, who was one of the kindest sweetest people she new and was always so nice to her.

Masaki is part of the 20 percent of people who don't possess a special ability (aka Quirk) in a world where the supernatural is normal. And do you know what sucks more her one dream is to become a hero, being a quirkless 14-year-old girl makes it basically impossible.

When she was younger she was obsessed with watching her favourite hero video back then she was hopeful and happy with where her life was. Peaceful.


"Ready! Geez, I think you've added 10,000 views to this one yourself Masaki!" Masaru said as he loaded the video up on the laptop for his daughter. She was sitting at there shared desk her legs swinging and her hand tightly gripping onto her limited addition All Might figure that her father had waited hours for.

"I don't know why you like it I think it's scary." Masaru continued

The video I loved was old Disaster footage from a long time ago, But more importantly it was the debut of the greatest hero ever.

"Who in the world is she!" The video started Masaki knew she could quote this word for word "She's already saved at least 100 people, and it hasn't even been 10 minutes since she appeared this is crazy. I can't believe this."


Masaki was excited she had been waiting for her quirk for years, and when everyone else in her class started presenting signs she pushed harder. She tried to do telekinesis, breath fire, fly and everything else.

Her Father was constantly worried about her 24/7 it was his natural instinct. So when Masaki turned 4 and still didn't present a quirk he took her to the famous Doctor who worked on quirk related medical issues.


"Sorry kid, it's not gonna happen."

Masaki broke.

"So there really is something wrong then most of the other kindergartners in her class have begun to show signs already!"

Masaru said worriedly looking down at his destroyed daughter.

"My records, say, you're the fourth generation quirk user. What powers do you, and her Mother have?"

"Nothing too special, really."

"I sweat acid and my ex-wife she has a Glycerin based quirk which enables her skin to secret glycerin. They're nothing really peculiar, I suppose."

"Masaki should have already manifested one of these quirks or a combination of both but after viewing her x-rays I don't think she's going to."

The doctor pulled up an X-ray of Masaki's foot on the board next to her.

"You see when superpowers first began appearing, there were many research studies conducted and doctors discovered a link between the bones and a person's foot and their likelihood of developing a quirk People with powers have only one joint in their pinky toes their bodies have evolved into a more streamlined version of the human form."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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