Our little secret

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Ever since me and George kissed we've been sneaking around with each other. We'd go on secret dates and hang out almost every night. All thanks to Harry who let us use his cloak. Sometimes me, him and Fred would hang out too. This had been going on for a month, almost two.

I quietly sneak out of my dorm and meet Fred and George in our usual spot. But they weren't there. "George?" I whisper yelled. "Fre-" suddenly a hand was over my mouth and I was pulled away. I turn around to see Fred and George snickering. "It's not funny, you jerks!" I whisper yell. "Come on, we're gonna set up a little prank for professor Snape." George winks. "Someone's blushing." Fred teases. "Am not." I say. "Aw, don't be shy, love." George says and then kisses my cheek. After finishing the prank we quietly run out of the room and hop on brooms and fly over to get some butterbeer. We sit at a table drinking our butterbeer and laughing like crazy people. After that we helped Fred sneak back into his dorm and then George and I went up to the astronomy tower. We took off the cloak since no one ever came up here. "It's so pretty." I say while admiring the view. I could feel George's eyes on me. I turned to look at him and just as I did so he kissed me passionately. I didn't know how to explain it but whenever I was with him it was like nothing else mattered. It always felt like we were the only people in the world whenever our lips met. We stayed like that, our lips locked together until we could no longer breathe. As we pulled apart he whispered in my ear. "I wish we didn't have to hide." "Me too, maybe someday things will change." I say while caressing his face. "We should head back." He says while putting the cloak back on us. As we made our way through the halls we quickly stopped in our tracks as we saw Tom wandering the halls. He was a prefect and only they were allowed to wander the halls. "What are you doing out of your dormitory?" Tom scolded a first year. "I-I peeked out of my room when I heard a noise and then I saw feet, no body just...feet. so I followed them." Tom looks at the boy weirdly. "Feet?" He asks. Me and George look at each other then back at Tom and hold our laughs. "Sorry, but you're gonna have to come up with a better excuse than that." He says rather harshly. "No, I'm telling the truth! I know what I saw!" "Tell that to Dumbledore." He grabs the boy by the ear and pulls him away. "Ow, stop! That hurts!" The boy cries. "Go back to your dorm, I'll be right back." I whisper. "Are you mad? He'll-" "Just go, I'll be fine." I get out of the cloak and run over and yank Tom's hand off of the boys ear. "Was that really necessary?" "Y/n, what on earth are you doing out of your dormitory?" "Are you alright?" I asked the boy who was now crying. The boy nods and hides behind me. "Y/n." "I was hungry and wanted a snack, but then I saw you hurting this boy." "That's his own fault for sneaking out." "Your job isn't to hurt the students Tom. I'm taking him back to his dorm. Just let it slide, just this once." Tom unclenches his jaw. "Fine. Now go on before change my mind." "My ear hurts." The boy complained as we walked down the hall. I bend down. "Let me see." Ouch, his ear was redder then a tomato. "Uhm- okay let me try something." I whisper a spell with my eyes shut scared I'd mess it up. I slowly opened my eyes to see it had worked. His ear was now completely fine! Holy shit I can't believe it worked! "There you go, all better." I smiled "Wow! That was so cool!" The boy says making me chuckle. "What's your name?" "Cody, Cody Lovegood." He smiled. "Is your sister Luna Lovegood?" He nods. "I should've known, you look just like her." I smiled. "You know my sister?" I could hear the excitement in his voice. "Yeah, we used to be good friends." "What happened." My smile faded. "You remember that mean guy from earlier who hurt your ear?" "How could I forget." He scoffs. "He's my brother." "No way, but you're nothing like him?" "Yeah, I question it too sometimes." I laugh. "Anyways, he doesn't allow me to be around anyone who isn't a Slytherin." "So don't listen." "It's not that simple..." "How come?" "He- he said he'd hurt them if i didn't listen." "Oh...I suppose that means you and I can't be friends..." The boy says with sadness in his tone. My heart broke. "Don't worry, I'm sure he won't mind if you and I are friends." I smile. His face lights up again and he jumps up. "Yay!" I chuckle. Well, here we are. "Thank you..." "Y/n." I smiled. "Thank you Y/n!" He smiled and hugged me. "Goodnight Cody." "Goodnight!" He went inside his dorm and walked down the hall and took a left I walked further down the hall over to George's dorm before i could peak my head in i felt someone grab my shoulders and I jumped. George threw off the cloak and smiled at me before kissing me deeply. "How'd you know I was out here?" "I never left you." I playfully hit his arm. "You never listen, do you?" "Nope." He chuckles. "You were so sweet to that boy." He smiled and kissed me again. "You heard all that?" "Yeah." "Well I better get going. Goodnight George." "Goodnight, Y/n." We kissed one last time before parting ways. I make my way out of their common room and start walking to mine where I run into Tom. "How'd you know their password?" "I didn't, Cody said it." "Cody?" "You know, the boy whose ear you pulled." "No he didn't, I was watching. You said the password. So how is it you know their password." "Dumbledore gave me it, in case of an emergency." "Then why lie about it?" "He didn't want anyone to know, since it isn't allowed."

A/n: Sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm to lazy to edit it rn lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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