A Star

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The planet Aurir is a majestic world where the Northern Lights are constant, filling the skies with brilliant colors. Its landscape is dominated by vast ice plains and snow-capped mountains. An advanced society had developed here, harnessing the energy of the auroras for their technology and daily life.

Where the northern lights illuminate the skies with a mesmerizing dance of colors, lies the Kingdom of Glacéllum.

Where the inhabitants had built an advanced and prosperous society that coexists in harmony with the natural beauty of its frigid surroundings.The rulers of this kingdom kept a great secret, which kept not only the energy for their people but also kept the northern lights and protected the beautiful kingdom.

Within this peaceful kingdom, a fearsome enemy arose who stole an object of great importance to the planet a power sphere.This act sparked a devastating war. During the course of this long war, the sphere was lost in chaos and destruction, plunging the kingdom into utter despair.

The brave inhabitants of Glacéllum fought with all their might to protect their kingdom and reclaim the sphere of power, but despite their efforts, the whereabouts of the item remain a mystery.

In the heart of the majestic Kingdom of Glacéllum, where the northern lights sparkle in the skies like celestial jewels, an event occurred that marked the end of an era. The destruction of the kingdom became a tragic reality, leaving a void of sadness and despair in what was once a place of harmony and prosperity. The kingdom once full of life is desolate and with nothing around it and it has been that way for more than 100 years.

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"Hey, you haven't finished reading your book yet! We're already at the Tapops station," said a cheerful 15-year-old boy dressed in green.

"Okay," I said as I put the book on the nightstand and walked him outside.

"Hey Solar, what was the book you were reading about? You seemed very concentrated...", he was interrupted by another boy of the same age, dressed in brown.

"Oh, there you two are," the older brother said as he walked over. "Solar, Duri the commander wants to see us." So we silently followed him to the headquarters, where we met up with the others.

Back at the barracks, Commander Kokoci congratulated us on our work this week. We hadn't been back for all that time and had saved many Power Spheras along the way. Likewise, he told us to rest for one more week, that we had already done a lot and that it was better to take a rest.He sent us to our rooms. Well, Yaya and Ying decided to go to the library. Gopal decided to go to the Tapops cafe. Fang went with his brother on some mission.

My brothers disappeared. I mean, it's not that they really disappeared, but Halilintar, Gempa and Ais went to their rooms. Taufan, Blaze and Duri went to who knows where. And here I am, Solar. I don't know whether to go to the library with the girls or to the laboratory. If I'm honest, I don't want to do anything. I just want to relax and see the stars.

I walked through the familiar hallways, feeling the soft hum of the technology that kept the base running. The lights seemed to guide my way, as if something was calling me.

Finally, I stopped in front of a window from where I could see the vast space, where I once fell asleep with a sky full of stars, which to the naked eye were just points of light.

I stood before this window and something... strange happened. A shooting star, or so it seemed, was rapidly approaching me. The problem was that the star did not seem to be moving in the sky, but was heading directly towards where I was. Everything went blurry in my vision, nearby stars seemed to move chaotically, and then everything went black.

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Palabras: 664

Publicada: Saturday August 26

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