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Trinity POV

My eyes slowly open, and I'm laying pretty much directly on top of Chris, and he's awake, laying there.

"Chris." I giggle tiredly.

"Oh, hi!" He laughs.

"You could've moved me!" I laugh as I roll off of him.

"You were keeping me warm, especially in your fucking negative thirty degree room!" He teases. I could only sleep if my room was cold.

"Shut up!" I giggle.

"You wanna come over and stay at mine? My mom wants you to come over." Chris asks.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I smile.

"Only one thing though." He says as I looked at him with confusion. "You have to film a video with us."

"Alright." I smile.

Once I get ready, we decide to leave.

"My parents are at work; we can go downstairs." I say.

"Alright." He smiles.

We go downstairs, and leave the house.

"You alright with walking?" Chris asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

We walk back to Chris's house, giggling and laughing at dumb things that Chris says or does.

Eventually we get to the Sturniolo's house, and go inside.

"Trinity!" Matt gasps as he runs up to me and hugs me tightly.

"Hi Matt." I laugh.

"Trinity, I didn't know you were coming!" Nick smiles as he hugs me.

"Trinity's here?" Mary gasps as she walks around the corner, and gasps when she sees me, before hugging me. "Hi beautiful!"

"Hi Mary." I smile as I hug her back.

"I'm gonna go shower real quick." Chris smiles before walking off.

Matt goes back to his room, while Nick and I go into the kitchen with Mary while she cooks.

"What'd your parents do this time?" Nick laughs.

"They accused me of being a 'whore' for taking a shower with my phone in the bathroom with me." I say.

Nick goes silent, before bursting out laughing.

"No way!" Nick laughs.

"Actually?" Mary asks.

"Yeah, I just had my phone on the counter, and they went into my room to snoop through my phone or something, and then realized it was in the bathroom." I giggle.

"That's horrible, i'm sorry." Mary frowns.

"Did they think you were sending nudes?" Nick laughs.

"Yes!" I giggle.

"You were what?" Matt laughs as him and Chris walk into the kitchen, and Nick and I laugh harder.

Through all this laughing and teasing my parents, I was still upset, but the triplets were there for me, and I knew they always were.

A few hours pass of us all just hanging out around the house, and it was so fun, this was a place where I was genuinely happy.

"I'm sorry pookie bear!" Chris giggles after he slaps my phone out of my hands. we were all laying on Nicks bed.

"Stop calling me your pookie bear!" I laugh

"Stop telling me to not call you my pookie bear, you are my pookie bear!" Chris teases as I shriek.

"Chris, I get you're like in love with her but that doesn't mean you get to call her your pookie bear you baboon!" Matt laughs.

"What!" I scream.

"Woah woah woah!" Nick yells.

"I'm not! I'm not!" Chris giggles.

"So you think she's ugly?" Matt teases as I jokingly gasp.

"No, not at all!" Chris protests.

"So you think she's cute?" Nick asks as I laugh.

"I do!" Chris giggles as Matt and Nick's jaw drops.

"He wants you!" Matt shrieks to me.

"No he doesn't!" I giggle.

"Do you?" Nick asks Chris.

Chris looks at me, and bites his lips while running his hands through his hair.

"Chris!" I shriek.

"No way!" Matt laughs.

"The lip bite is crazy." Nick laughs.

"I'm joking i'm joking!" Chris giggles.

childhood best friend || Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now