Battle Tendency

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     Matthew found himself thumbing at the bandage on his wrist in anticipation; Midnight would enter the classroom any minute now and announce the day's main event. The classroom was abuzz with chatter, discussions of strategy and quirks flying around the room. Matthew was not the most confident type, and thus was mentally preparing to get his ass kicked in about an hour's time. "Ugh... combat training..."

     Sure enough, today was class 1-A's first combat exercise. Despite having spent a healthy majority of the previous few days sparring with Togata and Amajiki (and occasionally Hado) to prepare, Matthew was still unsure of his abilities. He was somewhat flexible and knew how to throw a punch, that much he knew. Rather, it was a matter of how his quirk stacked up to everyone else's.

     "Heya buddy, ready for today?" Togata, bright as ever, shook Matthew's shoulders and righted him in his seat.

     "Sure, sure, ready to kick your ass."

     "You sure? I've got a better handle on my quirk than you think dude."

     "Is flashing us part of the game plan? I don't know how well you'll handle another fully charged slap from Hado..." Hearing her name, Hado made her way over to the two and joined their conversation.

     "Are we talking about this weekend?" Togata's face lit up bright red, telling her she was on the right track. "Don't you dare think of flashing me again Togata, accidental or not! I would've preferred not seeing your-" SLAM

     "In your seats everyone!" Everyone scrambled into their seats, Togata tripping on the way to his. Midnight strutted into the classroom, stopping at her podium as per usual. She cracked her whip in front of her (tagging someone's desk in the front row), making ther class jump in their seats. Intimidation tactics? Today of all days? "I'm certain that it goes without saying, but today is our first combat exercise! And with your first combat exercise comes your hero costumes!"

     The class erupted in cheers, having waited for the better part of 3 weeks waiting for their costumes. They had submitted their design forms before the school year had even started, putting them on edge as to when they'd receive them. Midnight produced a small remote from her podium and clicked a button, causing a row of cases to emerge from the left wall. "Everyone! Your costumes are found in these cases, each number corresponds to your seat number, so find the case that corresponds to your seat and sit back down once you find it. If anyone's costumes are in the wrong case then please let me know! I'll give you all a few minutes to make sure your costume is correct, then we're going to assign teams. Go grab your costumes everyone!"

     Immediately, everyone rocketed out of their seats and started perusing the wall of cases, trying to find their own. After a few minutes of bumping shoulders with each other everyone sat neatly at their desks, cases placed squarely in front of them. Midnight stared at them for a moment, the class matching her silence. "What are you sitting there for? Open them!"

     Matthew quickly opened his case, all worries vanishing upon laying eyes on his costume. A black, tight fitting compression shirt with two rows of golden buttons down the chest, matching black pants, and a white belt with a golden buckle. A pair of matching gloves and boots came as well, reaching to the mid forearm/lower knee respectively. They were both a stark white with bright orange cusps at the edges, similar to the belt, though the foot portion of the boots transitioned back to the standard black.

     To round out the costume's aesthetics were a black facemask that fit from the lower neck up to the nose and a cape, black on the outward face and the same bright orange on the inside, both of which were paired with a scarf colored the same orange. Matthew just barely noticed a small package with a note at the bottom of the case. Puzzled, he picked up the note and unfolded it. "Heya [L/N]! This is Kenranzaki from the support course (the one who made your costume), and as much as I love your costume, I think it needed a little something to finish it off. So I gave you a pair of custom sunglasses and earmuffs! I figured with your quirk being explosions and all, you should probably have some ear/eye protection. First-year to first-year, good luck out there! Enjoy <3!" Sure enough, inside the small package was a pair of sleek black sunglasses and matching earmuffs, fit perfectly to size. Wow, these guys are the best...

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