Rainy Connections

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Hyu-Joo's eyes held a mixture of curiosity and amusement as she looked at Jung-Ha, her unspoken question clear. Who was this young woman he had brought with him? Jung-Ha chuckled at the sight of his mother's inquisitive gaze.

"She's a friend, Mom," Jung-Ha replied, a playful smile tugging at his lips.

Hyu-Joo raised an eyebrow, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes. "A friend? A female friend?"

Jung-Ha couldn't help but laugh at his mother's teasing. "Yes, a female friend. Is that so hard to believe?"

Hyu-Joo's laughter rang through the room as she shook her head. "No, no, of course not. Just caught me by surprise, that's all."

Youn-Jung's voice broke the moment as she greeted Hyu-Joo with a warm smile. "Hello, it's nice to meet you."

Hyu-Joo's gaze softened as she returned the smile, a genuine warmth in her expression. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, dear."

As Hyu-Joo continued cooking, the atmosphere felt a bit awkward for Jung-Ha and Youn-Jung, their interactions observed by his mother's watchful eye. Youn-Jung found herself feeling self-conscious under Hyu-Joo's attentive gaze, and Jung-Ha cleared his throat, trying to alleviate the tension.

Youn-Jung tried to engage in conversation to ease the atmosphere. "I didn't know your mom is such a famous chef."

Jung-Ha shrugged casually. "You never asked."

With the food ready, Hyu-Joo set the table generously, prompting a surprised look from Jung-Ha. Youn-Jung hesitated, unsure about how much to take.

Hyu-Joo chuckled at their expressions. "Don't worry, dear. Help yourselves. She is our guest, after all."

Jung-Ha couldn't help but notice the abundance of food and voiced his concern. "Mom, this is a lot of food for just the two of us."

Hyu-Joo's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Well, She is our guest, and I've always believed in generous hospitality."

As they started eating, conversation flowed more easily. Hyu-Joo directed a question towards Youn-Jung. "What's your name, dear?"

Youn-Jung smiled and introduced herself. The moment her last name left her lips, Hyu-Joo froze, her eyes widening in surprise. "Ryu..Youn-Jung?"

Youn-Jung nodded, curious about Hyu-Joo's reaction.

Hyu-Joo's voice held a mixture of shock and emotion as she asked, "Who was your mother?"

Youn-Jung hesitated, taken aback by the sudden intensity in the atmosphere. "My mother is Kwak Sun-Young... she passed away years ago."

Hyu-Joo's shock seemed to deepen, but then she pulled Youn-Jung into a warm, unexpected embrace. "I can't believe it... Youn-Jung, your mother and I were dear friends since college."

Tears formed in Youn-Jung's eyes as she returned the hug, their connection suddenly feeling more profound. Jung-Ha watched the exchange with a mixture of emotions, a sense of both happiness and melancholy settling in his heart.

As the rain continued to tap against the windows, creating a soothing rhythm, Youn-Jung and Jung-Ha sat together, their coffee cups cradled in their hands. The cafe's ambiance provided a cozy backdrop as they waited for the rain to subside and for Hyu-Joo to finish attending to her customers.

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