In the world of Mosilif ( Moe-sil-lif), 1 year consists of 15 months of an average of 20 days as well as 60 weeks of 5 days, For a total of 300 days in a year. The months are as follows;
Jhan- 25 days
Feeb- 18 days
Marz- 22 days
Prail- 29 days
Muo- 27 days
Jue- 18 days
Juy- 20 days
Aust- 21 days
Tember- 19 days
Ember- 20 days
Cem- 22 days
Moa- 20 days
Mev- 18 days
Alr- 21 daysAdulthood starts a 15
Families are distinguished households, one can become part of an established family or one can found a family, through the *nomination of your Region's ruling party, or by self-nomination ( ^self-naming ). If one chooses this route, the family will only be official, if it is recognized by the Region's ruling party or 3 established families with good merit or reputation.
Houses are Families that have control over a fief or region. That is under the Royal Family, they are very influential and powerful. To become a House, one must be appointed control( by the Crown ) or assume control over an area( fief, region). If a family chooses this path, the promotion into a house, is only official, if they receive the recognition of the Crown or 5 established Houses with good merit or reputation.
* recognized by the ruling party as having the ability and prestige to do so
^when one grants themselves a title (last name.)A titled, or named individual, is someone with a last name and usually has a distinguished background.
Expect a new chapter every day except Sunday
There are four or five, rough physical and social layers of a city depending on the region.
1) Slums- Slummers
2) First Layer, Working Class- Serfs
3) Second Layer-Nobility
4) Third Layer or Center-High class Nobility
5) Core*- Royalty
^ = Some regions have a fourth city layer where the royalty resides
seperately.The 'am' used when denoting time in the morning period is replaced with Um.
The 'pm' used when denoting time in the night/evening period is replaced with Noct.Sonen (So-nen)- Hour
Minu (Me-new)- Minute
Sendon (Sen-don)- Second
The Unorthodox Being
General FictionRoaming Giants as tall as trees, terrifying devils lurking in the seas, soaring across the sky, dragons and ancient winged beasts.Then across the six continents to a summit where the gods meet. Standing before time stained caves and excavating a Pri...