
630 16 17

July 8, 2021 New York

"You look pretty tonight" It's the first thing I hear when I open the door. Conan is standing on the other side with a bottle of tequila in hand.

"Tonight? So I don't look pretty any other day?" I decide to tease him a little, feeling the nice buzz from the drink I have already drunk.

It's clear I catch Conan by surprise with my remark because he widens her eyes as the red color covers his cheeks.

"Em-" He clears his throat, smiling awkwardly. "You always do, of course!"

"Idiot" I giggle at his attempt, throwing my arms around him. "I was messing with you" I whisper as I hug him. He exhales in relief against my neck, squeezing me back.

"That was kinda rude, Isabelle" He mumbles in a faux seriousness. "Are you going to invite me in or...?" He trails off after we stare at each other for a moment.

It's my time to blush slightly, looking away from the singer. I open the door and he takes a step inside the apartment.

"Conan, meet my friends, Mia and Ezra" I introduce him to my two friends, trying to suppress the laugh at Mia's reaction. She's trying so hard not to fangirling right now. It's hilarious.

With the song done sketchily, I decided that we need some fun. But with both of us slightly famous, we didn't want to risk going out. So, that's why we're having a small party at my place with my friends.

Conan is a great support, but I need Mia and Ezra to comfort me. Along with some alcohol, of course.

"It's nice to have finally additional testosterone. You can go crazy with two women all the time" Ezra comments, shaking Conan's hand in greeting. Ezra earns because of it a smack on the back of the head from his girlfriend. "Ouch" He whines, rubbing his head and shooting a glare at Mia.

I look at Conan with a raised eyebrow, waiting for his response. He swallows nervously, scratching his arm as he looks at the other man.

"I love women" Conan stutters out, making all of us laugh.

"He looks like a puppy" Mia whispers in my ear as Ezra shakes his head amusingly.

"Alright, kids. It's enough" I speak loudly, ending the teasing. "Conan, you're the guest, so sit" I declare, grabbing his hand and leading him to the couch.

I let Ezra sit on the couch too, taking Mia to the kitchen with me. The boys start to have conversation, totally ignoring us.

"How are you holding up?" Mia asks instantly and I sigh, biting my bottom lip.

"Honestly? I'm so fucking tired and I just miss her so much" I answer honestly, starting to prepare a drink for the singer.

"I know" Mia whispers, pulling me into a side hug. I relax into her embrace immediately, resting my head on her shoulder. "Did you think about calling her? You know, have a civil conversation..."

"Did I think about it? Of course, I did, but I'm physically unable to do it, Mia"

"I'm sorry, Bella"

I force a smile at my best friend as I finish the drink. Mia sits on her boyfriend's lap, while I sit next to the singer, giving him his drink. We fall into a comfortable small talk which mostly the couple asking Conan a lot of things. About him, his career and stuff like this.

I start getting bored with the conversation, already knowing everything they talk about, so I focus on looking at my newest friend and drinking.

Conan is so pretty. He's not a muscular type of man, his facial features are soft and delicate. The type of men I'm finding attractive. I hate the 'typical' manly men, I prefer soft boys. I could even say more girly, I just love when men aren't afraid of being more feminine.

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