💙14-Axl Rose💙

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I wanted to go home, but my boyfriend wouldn't let me. He just procrastinated.

"Please! Can we go home, please Johnny!" I exclaimed over the club's music. Johnny grunted, standing up and throwing his drink god knows where. He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me outside. "Johnny, you're hurting me!" I whined, trying to get out of his painful grasp. He brought me into an alleyway. "J-Johnny?"

"I just wanted to have a good night tonight, Lu. But you ruined it!" he exclaimed, pinning my arms above my head.

"Johnny stop it!" I yelled, his other hand shoving two fingers down my throat. My heart rate picked up and I squirmed underneath him. My pleads and yelps were muffled now, and quiet.

"You fucking slut. Always seeking attention. 'Johnny, let's go home!' 'Johnny, when are we leaving, I wanna go home!' 'Johnny this,' 'Johnny that'!" he mimicked me, "It's all bullshit! You want attention? I'll fucking give it to you!"

He lifted up my shirt unclipped my bra, loosening it enough so he could hold one of my breasts in his hands. Tears rolled silently down my cheeks when he lifted up my skirt and ripped my panties. He undid his fly and pulled out his cock. I shook my head, but before I knew it he shoved three fingers up my intimacy. I cried out in pain.

He let go of my hands and I tried to shove him off me, but he was much taller and broader than me so it was no use. I cried and cried and did all I could but before I knew it Johnny had all five fingers up me and he was stroking his member with his other hand.

"Please! Please someone help-"

Johnny grabbed my throat and held a tight grip. Pulling his fingers out and shoving his dick inside. I grasped for air and tried tugging his hand off my throat, my vision blurring and soon fading to black.


I woke up in the alleyway.

I sat up, not knowing what I was doing here for a moment, then it all hit me like a freight train. A sob escaped my lips when I felt a burning sensation down at my privates. I probably looked like a mess. I sure felt like one.

I stood up and re-clipped my bra, pulling my shirt back down and trying to make myself look a little bit presentable. I limped out into the public. Stupid LA..stupid Johnny...stupid stupid stupid.

There was only one person I knew to go to but I didn't know where he lived or what his phone number was or anything, but I knew I could find him in a smoke shop at some point, an expensive one at that.

I started limping around, looking for the most expensive one I could find. I slowly walked in.

"May I see your ID?" was the first thing the clerk asked me.

"Uhm.." shit. Johnny took my fucking purse, probably for the cash. "I-I'm sorry I don't have it but please I'm just waiting for a friend.."

"Who?" he asked.

"Uhm, his name is Will- sorry, Axl. Axl Rose."

"Bullshit. Get outta here," he shooed me away.

"B-But please-!"

"Nah-ah. Out," he had a thick Boston accent.

I let out a quiet sob once I made it outside. I slumped on the ground. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks, and I couldn't stop them this time.

But then, I heard boots. I looked up and saw the person I'd been looking for.

"Will- I-I mean Axl!" I cried out, standing up quickly. He froze, about to open the door but instead snapped his head toward me. "I know I look like shit right now but it's Lucretia! From Lafayette!" I sobbed, biting my lip when his jaw became less tense and his eyes widened.

"Doll face?" he asked. I smiled at the nick name he always gave me.

"Yes! Yes!" I exclaimed, and a chuckle escaped his lips. He quickly came to embrace me in a warm hug.

"Jesus christ your cold," he murmured.

"I don't wanna talk about it. After," I mumbled. He just nodded. "How've you been?" I said, changing the subject.

"'ve been good. My band and I are finally making it somewhere," he laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, holding the door of the smoke shop open for me. I walked in shyly, avoiding eye contact with the attendant.

"Hey, what are you doing back in- oh- U-Uhm.. Mr. Rose..nice seeing you here.." he mumbled, Axl nodding in response.

"Did you try to come in here before?" Axl asked, maneuvering toward where the cigarettes were.

"Y-Yeah.." I said bashfully.

"Why? You wanted something?" he asked, sounding willing to buy me something.

"No no! I-I was gonna wait for you in here...I figured you'd come in here at some point," I murmured, glancing up at him once before looking down at my scuffed up heels. Damn, that's why my feet hurt. I forgot I was even wearing those things.

Axl chuckled heartily, "You know me so well, even after all of these years."

—About Five Months Later—

Axl had asked me to be his girlfriend about two months ago. I, of course, said yes. I just wasn't sure when I'd be ready to tell him about Johnny..

I sat on Axl's bed as we gently made out, his hands roaming closer and closer to the waistband of my shorts. I hummed, detaching my lips from his and pulling away from him a bit.

"Babe, tell me what's wrong," he said, crawling back toward me. "you never want to get—like—past second base. Why..?" he mumbled, his hands holding onto my waist again.

"Ax- please-.." I quivered, peeling his hands off my body.

"Baby, tell me," he said sternly, looking straight into my eyes.

"I-I-.." I swallowed thickly, trying to gather my words. "d-do you remember John? My ex that I was talking about..?" I mumbled.

Axl nodded, "Why?" he grunted.

"W-Well.." I started, stopping once Axl stood up. "A-Ax where are you going..?" I frowned.

"I want to take this seriously. You're very tempting, y'know," Axl crossed his arms. I giggled with a sad smile. "Continue, though, go on, go on," he ushered me.

"W-Well, you see.." I started, "we were at a party one night and, and—well—and then he brought me to an alley way—and well—h-e-he-..." I paused. "he raped me.." I breathed, so quiet I'm surprised Axl heard it.

"Baby? Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" he climbed back on the bed and enveloped me in a hug, my broken sobs muffled by his chest and his t-shirt soaking my tears.

"I-I was too sc-ared, Axl! I'm so-rry!" I hiccuped, gripping his shirt in my hands.

"Baby, no need to apologize. I'm just glad you're okay, now," he hummed, rubbing my back soothingly. He kissed the top of my head before pulling me into his lap so he could wrap his arms around me fully. "let's get some rest now," he suggested, tucking us both under the covers.

"Mhm.." I rasped, wiping my cheeks and cuddling into Axl's chest. I look up at him after a moment, "Ax..?" I whispered after he turned to turn off the light, "we can try soon, just...not now. Not yet. Soon."

"Of course baby, whenever you're ready, Precious," he stroked my hair gently.



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