🧡31-Kirk Hammett, again.🧡

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⚠️ [I'm so hyperfixated on him right now it's not even funny]

Y'know the highschool jock and good girl stereotype; the asshole jock is all up in the good girl's business, and the good girl is head over heels for the asshole jock?

Well, for Kirk and Lucretia, it was like that.

But the other way around.

Kirk was a straight A student; never got in trouble, always obeying the rules, some might even call him a nerd.

Lucretia, however, was the complete opposite; sure, she had B's...maybe a few C's (shhh..)..but she was always goofing off and believe it or not, getting into fights.

Yet, they fell for each other.

"Lucretia, we're gonna be late and-"

"No! Was this fucking bitch being a jackass to you earlier? Cause I'd gladly kick the fucking shit out of him," she growled, a taller boy smirking at the shorter girl.

"I'd like to see you try," he chuckled. Lucretia stopped in her tracks and snarled at the guy.

"Well, maybe yeah. Go ahead. I wouldn't have said that if I were you, dude," Kirk snickered, watching as Lucretia quickly kneed to dude in the nuts before scurrying away.

Once they got to their respective class, the teacher furrowed her eyebrows at them. "And where were you two?"

"Sorry miss, someone was being a butthole to Kirk outside. Calling him names n sh-..stuff. We were trying to get to class, but he just wouldn't leave us alone," Lucretia lied, walking to her seat.

"Okay, so what actually happened? I'm not believing that. Especially not coming from you, Lucretia Barlowe."


Long story short they ended up in detention. Both of them.

"Oh my God, my dad's gonna kill me!" Kirk said as they both walked to the class.

Lucretia sighed. "Sorry for getting you into this shit," she said, knocking on the teacher's door. A faint yet stern, 'come in' was heard from inside, and she opened the door and went to a seat.

"I have to go pick up some papers from the office. Don't talk. Don't move. Don't make a single noise. I'll be back soon," she said, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

"Wanna sneak out? I have no idea who this fuckin' teacher is. She won't know our names to report us for sneaking out! C'mon!" she exclaimed, standing up from her seat.

"Are you serious?!" Kirk exclaimed.

"Uhh, yeah?" she said matter of factly, working on opening the window.

"Oh my God. I can't believe I'm doing this," Kirk said, a worried tone to his voice.

"C'mon hurry the fuck up babe!" Lucretia hissed and watched as Kirk jumped out since they were on the bottom floor. Lucretia followed, closing the window from outside as best as she could before she intertwined Kirk's fingers with hers and pulled her along as she ran.

"C'mon! We gotta take you home, Kirky!" Lucretia giggled, seeing Kirk's house getting closer. Kirk chuckled at the girl's enthusiasm, keeping pace with her as she jogged along. "Okay, okay! Go!" she ushered him inside his house once they got to the front.

He laughed, "Thanks for helping me get out of detention," he giggled.

"Anytime, baby," she went on her tippy toes and pecked him on the lips, giving him a quick hug before she shooed him away playfully. "hey, if you're dad's an ass to you, I'll gladly kick his ass too," she joked.

"Alright, thanks babe," he laughed, walking into his house.



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