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Dahyun is very tensed about jungkook's health as he locked himself in his room from two days. Now, He can't sit silently and wait for the moment when jungkook open his room's door as anything happened to jungkook, if he didn't take his food and medicines for long time. So, he decide to try his last hope, for convince jungkook to not punish himself more by locking himself in room.

Dahyun get up from floor as he is sitting infront of jungkook's room from past two days , even he was not move from this place for a moment. He went in the direction of his room for getting ready as he have to meet someone really urgent. After he gets ready, he called his driver to drive him somewhere.

After an hour of travelling, Dahyun finally reached at his destination. Driver open car's door for Dahyun, who come outside from the car, and order driver to wait outside of the house for him. Driver nod his head in response, then Dahyun went in the direction of house.

He press the doorbell of the house for few times, then it is finally open by a lady.

" Head Master ?? " The lady seem surprised by Dahyun's sudden presence in her house.

" Ann-yeongh-aseyo Mrs. Min " Dahyun softly greet Mrs. Min, who still looks very surprised, but comes into her sense when Dahyun greet her.

" Ann-yeongh-aseyo master. Why are you standing outside, please come " Mrs. Min greet Dahyun, while bowing infront of him in respect, then she move aside and give space to Dahyun to enter inside her home. Dahyun nod his head on Mrs. Min's words, and come inside the house.

Mrs. Min's house is not very much big in size, just suitable for three or four people's living. House is very simple, with simple interiors like A big size couch in the middle of hall, in the middle of couch a coffee table is placed with fresh flowers in flower pot on the table, baby blue paint on walls give whole house a relaxed view, there is a old photo frame of mrs.min and her husband, with yoongi in mr.min's hands, they actually look like a happy family together.

Mrs. Min ask Dahyun to take seat who is busy in taking view of their house as he never visited yoongi's house before, he just know their address. He visit Mrs. Min home which is located in Seoul, but he never visited to her this home in their home town.

Dahyun nod his head and sit on the couch, then Mrs . Min serve him some snacks and juice.

" Mrs. Min thanks for your nice welcome. Umm.... I want to meet yoongi. Where is he ?? " Dahyun hesitatingly ask as he don't think Mrs. Min let him meet with yoongi after whatever he was done with him .

" He is in his room. Master, you can come with me, I will show you his room " Mrs. Min say to Dahyun, who nod his head. They both head towards yoongi's room.

" Mrs. Min, I want to meet yoongi in alone, if you don't mind " Dahyun say in pleading voice. Mrs. Min sigh on Dahyun's words as she don't like the idea of let Dahyun meet with yoongi right now as yoongi's condition is very bad that he even refuse to talk with her, but still she nod her head and leave Dahyun infront of yoongi's room, then she went downstairs for doing her rest of the house work.

Dahyun open yoongi's room door and enter inside the room. His heart clench when he saw yoongi's devastating state. Yoongi is sitting on floor , while his back support from his bed, his hairs are totally messy, he buried his face inside his knees, and his silently crying voice clearly listen by Dahyun. Yoongi's condition is same as jungkook, they have a huge impact of separation from each other.

" Yoongi.... " Dahyun softly say to yoongi, to gain his attention towards him. Yoongi lift his head from his knees and look in the direction of voice that he just hear. He is able to see a blurry figure of someone infront of him as he is crying, due to this his vision is not clear, and he also not able to recognise the voice. Dahyun's eyes also glistened, when he notice yoongi's puffy and red eyes due to crying. He slowly approach to yoongi and sit beside him. He lift his hand and cup yoongi's face in his hand, then wipe his tears.

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