Chapter 1

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My hair was in a bun, I was wearing that ridiculous uniform, red lipstick and it was a summer evening, the sunset had  just begun

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My hair was in a bun, I was wearing that ridiculous uniform, red lipstick and it was a summer evening, the sunset had  just begun

-Hey, hottie come here, we need to order - what kind of idiot call a waitress "hottie"? I asked myself and just ignored it, at the table I faced 5 men, all of them looked stupid

-What can I get for you? - I tried to be polite and I felt like all the men were staring at me, mainly the one with intense blue eyes, such a pervert, I tried to avoid eye contact but after 5 second my eyes found the blue eyes, shit!

-A bottle of the Louis Roederer Champagne - the blue men looked deep in my eyes, and after looked me up and down, it was extremely intimidating

-Ok - I wrote the order - Anything else? - I asked

-Maybe one night with you - the same man who called me "hottie" said and I could feel the "blue man" staring at him. I didn't say anything, just left

I went to the bar and asked my coworker Liam if we could change, so he would attend the man's table and I would make the drinks

-Hi Liam, I need to ask you a favor - I said smiling

-What do you want? - He asked in a sarcastic way

-Could you attend the tables? - I forced a smile, he tought for 5 seconds and answered me

-You owe me this one - he blinked

-You are my biggest hero Liam - I said laughing

When I was at the bar I tried to read my books for University, I read at least 2 chapters, I would read 3, but the blue man interrupted me...

-Hello - fuck, this man has a british accent!

-Do you need something sir? My colleague Liam will help you, ok?

-I wanna talk to you, so can you please look at me? - I closed my book and looked at him

-I wanna apologize for my friend's attitude

-Well, you didn't say anything when he was harassing me, so... apologizes not accepted - I smiled cynically and went back to my book

-Look, I couldn't say anything, but now I'm here apologizing

-You could say something, you just didn't want to! And also you shouldn't be worried about it - I looked at him - I'm just a waitress, now you should go back to your table, you belong to the idiots

-Well, I tried - he said and turned around, and I could see his muscles bulging in his white shirt

-Try harder the next time, blue man - I yelled, but i regretted it right away

After a long day of work, at 11pm I could finally go to my house, so I changed my clothes, and went to the subway station, at midnight I finally arrived at my little apartment.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, and if you have some ideas/suggestions for the book please tell me!
Love you all!

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