Chapter 2

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Rainy morning, I usually love it, but unfortunately I needed to go to work that day, so the rain became a obstacle, I woke up, took my shower, drank coffe, put on jeans and a white shirt, my hair was in a ponytail, and obviously I was with red lip...

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Rainy morning, I usually love it, but unfortunately I needed to go to work that day, so the rain became a obstacle, I woke up, took my shower, drank coffe, put on jeans and a white shirt, my hair was in a ponytail, and obviously I was with red lipstick

I ran to the subway station the faster I could, because I didn't have a umbrella

After 1 hour I arrived at the club, and noticed I was all wet and my white shirt was transparent, SHIT!! Everyone could see my bra through my shirt, I was trying to keep calm, but then...

-Why did you call me "blue man" yesterday? - I heard a masculine voice behind me, I turned around to see him and completely forgot about my shirt

-What are you doing here sir? - I asked and he looked at my shirt

-You are wet Miss - he said staring at me

-Oh really? I didn't notice - I pretended to be surprised
That stupid man wouldn't stop looking at my wet shirt, so ... I slapped his face

-Stop it, you are such an asshole like your friends, ugh - I said

-Wait, wait, you just slapped Miss? Are you crazy? Why would you do that? - He looked confused

-Really? You were literally staring at my boobs, and you are friends with a pervert  - I said really loud

-What my friend does it's none of my Bussines, stop blaming me for that, It's not my fault - His voice was very calm, and I hated that

-But you felt guilty, because you said sorry yesterday - I was still screaming at him, I wanted him to scream back, but he didn't

-I didn't feel guilty, I was just... you know what, I don't even know you, I don't know why I'm wasting my time with you - He said and left, he was such an stupid man

-Yeah, yeah, bye bye rich boy, go eat caviar and drink champagne, maybe like that you will feel better, because you have NO BRAIN - I couldn't stop screaming at him

I changed my clothes, put the uniform, and then received a call from my sister, Anna, she never called me, that was really strange

-Hi Anna, is everything ok?

-Hi Aida - I could hear she was crying - hmm... so since you moved our mom got worse and... - she started crying harder and I understood everything at that moment

-It's okay Anna, I get it... - we were silent for a few minutes

-The funeral is tomorrow morning - she said and hung up on the call

I didn't know how to act, so I just went to the restroom and started crying, crying and crying but then I heard Liam calling me, he was desperate

-Aida, Aida, I need your help, this man fell from the horse, he fainted and has bruises on his face - I left the restroom and tried to look happy

-Oh my god, I'll help, no worries - At that moment, I saw that "the man" was the blue man ... that was the worst day of my entire life

-Oh, so your name is Aida, pretty name huh - the blue man had just woken up and said that with a tired voice

-Shut up or I won't help you, sit here please - I said

-Are you okay? - he said as he analyzed every corner of my face

-Totally fine blue man. Excuse me - I said while sitting on his lap to make the bandage on his face

-Ow, that hurts - he complained

-You are a strong man, you will get over it - I tried to make a joke

-Can I tell you my real name? So you will stop calling me "blue man"? By the way, why do you call me like that?

-Did you ever look yourself at the mirror ? You are a blue man!

-My name is Oslen Schroder

-You could keep that information Mr. Schroder- I felt his hands on my waist

-And you Aida? Are you Mrs... - he was waiting me to answer

-Clark, Aida Clark- I said, and I looked at him, he looked at me, and we were looking at each other, that was so strange, he was a idiot but a attractive idiot

-Your hair is still wet Mrs. Clark - he said as he grabbed my hair

-You should go home and rest, your fall got serious - I said coming back to reality and getting out of his lap

-I can't, I have meetings today, but thank you for taking care of me Mrs. Clark - he didn't stop looking at me for one minute

-That's my job Sir, do you need anything else? - I asked

My cell phone rang, it was my sister again

-Hi Anna, what happened now? - Oslen could hear everything

-I need to know if you are coming or not Aida, honestly I thought about it and I think that is better if you don't come - she said, and I could feel a tear flowing

-What? What do you mean? - I turned around so Oslen wouldn't see me crying

-You are a messy Aida, no one in the family likes you, mom protected you from them, but she is not here anymore, and I won't protect you

-Shut up Anna, just because people say I'm a whore doesn't mean I'm, and you are my older sister you should support me, what's your problem? - I was whispering and crying, I didn't want anyone to hear me

-You are a whore Aida, everyone knows that, I don't care if I'm your older sister, I'm just saying that if you want to come is your right, but you are not welcome here, I'm telling you this because I wish you the best, honestly, but you need to change, you need to stop being selfish and... - I couldn't take it anymore and had to hang up, I felt my face full of tears and Oslen was looking at me

-What happened? - he asked analyzing my face

-Do you have plans for tomorrow morning Oslen? - I asked, I had the best plan for an amazing revenge to show to everyone that I was living the best life ever, even though i was feeling sadder than ever

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, and if you have some ideas/suggestions for the book please tell me!
Love you all!

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