∆Scaramouche/Wondered x Reader Part 3∆

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️⛓️ Part 3 ⛓️


You woke up and touched your head still felt the dizziness a little. "Where I'm I?..." You get up and walk to the door, but when you open the door it isn't luck

The room looks like someone else bedroom so you leave this empty room looking for some place to escape, "This home is not my home... It looks like I was at someone else house." You look around just to find some door to open and leave

But then the door was locked but not the room you woke up in? "That's funny why is it locked but not the room." You look around and find something you are not supposed to know, "What's this?"

When you try to open up the door it looks so dark and the downstairs looks like a basement, when you see there is a sliding drawer there's a flashlight at the side of the sliding drawer you take it and close it back

As if it was like a mystery here or something, you then light up the pitch black dark basement, as if there's something wrong here, but the closer you get smell gets something dirty and bad

When you come closer to the door the smell is getting stronger and stronger it smells like Iron on their blood, "What... Who could have done this!?." You open up the box and it smells disgusting Iron blood is spreading inside the plastic box

You are about to throw up on the corpse, and the Garbage bag also has a smell too, When you try to open the other plastic box you see a very familiar face, and from the moment you see the face, you know

(He is Merkin your long-lost best friend.)

Then your memory turns back once again and the two girls who went missing last night have now returned to remember them again, when you open the garbage bag there is a dead body inside the garbage bag it looks freshly new with a fresh new cut of the corpse

You feel the tremble on your knees and try to stay on yourself with a mind to escape, "I thought you were sleeping but now that you found this..." You turn your head and look at him with hatred

"You MONSTER! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?. THEY DON'T DESERVE THIS!!! And Merkin he doesn't deserve to be like this." His dull eyes show no mercy from what you have just said, So he came from you in a speed walk and grabbed your wrist and hair

He squeezed it tightly ready to almost break your bones one or two he then leaned over your ears and whispered, "You shouldn't be here. Y/n look at me." Scaramouche put something in his mouth with a pill then kissed your lips rough and harder

So you can swallow the pills he puts in his mouth, "HMM! Hmm..." You are weaker and tired with your eyes closing, slowly the saliva string of your two lips makes it hard for you to get up

"Shh... Sleep now sleep now. You need to sleep Y/n... Good night my little worm. Just obey me but if you don't... I'll fuck you up, and if you escape I'll tight you up from my bed and punished you. So just Shh~ oh. Oh. Don't cry I still love you."

He kisses your forehead and then the last thing you hear, you feel bad and you are too late for not saving your friends now everything is a mess.


So Scaramouche successfully made you his and then he erased your friend's name and their face, The people that were trying to separate you and him will be in his hands soon of their lives upon it.


My honest reaction to this story was pretty long so I guess it was worth it, but at the same time, I'm sad because I didn't know how I got here.

Anyway, you can leave any comments here, Just remember these Characters have a different story so Choose the Characters you like to read They have different endings some are Aggressive and some are unhealthy so yeah just be careful with these

"Yandere Characters."


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