Micah x reader story pt 2

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Y/n pov: 

It was the next day, I met all of Micahs family and he met my sister, and he might have caught me blushing bc of him. Well like do I like him? I don't know, but for now don't. I invited him over last night and honestly I don't know what to do, oooo I have an idea. I get ready and go next door. I knock on the door, 

"Oh hey y/n, how you doin" Daniel asked 

"I'm doing fine, I want to talk to your sisters" I said

"You sure you don't want to talk to me?" He asked

"Uh yea I'm sure, can you get shiloh and Mary?" I asked, he looks bummed

"Mary! Shiloh!" He yelled, looking back at me knowing he doesn't have a chance 

"Daniel they're not home" I hear someone walking over, it was micah 

"Oh Y/n what are you doing here?" He asked 

"I was wondering if I could talk to your sisters, but since they're not here I'll go home" i explained "actually" I said grabbing micahs phone out of his hand "ooo nice it's unlocked" I typed my number in his phones and took a pic of my for my pfp "text me when your sisters get back, or if you want to text me before that I'll answer" I winked after saying and handing him back his phone. I walked away.

Micah pov:

Y/n handed me my phone back with her number in it. Daniel quickly closed the door

"OH MY GOD!" We both shouted, the others quickly came running

"What, what, what happened?" Elijah asked 


"WHAT HOW?" Judah asked

"Yea Micahs awkward" Josiah continued

"First of all rude, second it's probably because I'm not constantly being weird and trying to be cool, and I have my fly up" I say looking at Elijah 

"What?" He looks down "OH COME ON!" He yelled, we laughed at him 

"But still how did you get y/ns number?" Judah asked 

"She just gave it to me" I said 

"Yea she took his phone, put her number in it and even took a pic of herself as her pfp" Daniel explained 

"Dude you have to give us her number" Josiah said 

"What no, if you want it then get it yourself" i said 

"Dude how are we supposed to get her number" Judah asked 

"I don't know figure it out" I say walking away. I can hear my brothers so desperately figuring out ways to get y/ns number, I was thinking about texting her, but I got this weird feeling in my stomach, 

"Is that butterflies in my stomach?" I say out loud 

*Gasp* I heard a gasp 

"Oh no" I said "please don't be" I said 

"OMG!" Shiloh said

"MICAHHH!" MARY YELLS. I quickly pull them in my room and I close the door shut.

"If you say a word Mary I will get you in trouble, and shiloh if you say a word i won't help with editing" I say 

"What?" "Cmon micah" they complained 

"Deal?" I asked

"Fine" they both said "but you have butterflies in your stomach?" Mary asked 

"Yea and who are they for?" Shiloh asked 

"I think y/n, bc ever since I met her I had this weird feeling" I explained 

"You like her" Mary said smiling

"What no I dont" I denied

"Yes you do" Mary continues

"Ok when did you start feeling these butterflies?" Shiloh asked 

"Umm I don't really know, I think this morning, bc I saw this post and it reminded me of y/n, and I guess I got that weird feeling" i explained

"Micah you like her" shiloh said

"No I don't stop saying that" Micah said 

"Well you do, you might not realize it just yet but when you do, good luck" Mary said as her and shiloh were walking out the door.

"Wait" I said "y/n wanted to talk to you guys" I said

"Really?" Shiloh asked 

"Yea, lemme text her your back" I said 

"Wait you have her number?"Mary asked "how?"

"She gave it to me" I said 

"Hmmm, wtv what she want to talk abouts?" Shiloh asked

"I don't know" I said not looking up from my phone "she's coming over now, and she wants to know if you can go to her house" I explained 

"Why not here?" They asked

"Daniel, Josiah, Judah, and Elijah" I said, they had that look that said (makes sense) "she said to go over there now" I said 

"Ok" they both said walking away. I was left alone in my room, I walked towards my bed and sat down. I later down drowning in my thoughts. Oh shoot I still need to get ready to go to y/ns 

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