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Littles: Langa, Miya, Reki

Caregivers: Cherry and Joe

Babysitter: Shadow

Third person PoV:

Today, two caregivers woke up to pillows being smacked on their faces, they woke up and immediately the two little troublemakers sped off, and Joe went after them whilst Cherry went to check on the baby, whose nursery was next door to their room, whilst the troublemakers rooms were opposite their rooms.

Cherry went into the nursery to find the baby crying, he must have woken up due to the noises the other three are making, he must also need a change, Cherry picked the baby up and placed him on the changing table to change his diaper, as well as giving him his paci to calm him down, Cherry then picked him up and they both went downstairs to see the chaos.

The little troublemakers were jumping on their poor daddy aka Joe, Cherry obviously did what he does best which was take a picture and laugh at him before y'know actually helping him.

Cherry placed Langa down on to the couch and went over to help Joe by picking up Miya and Reki, Joe then got up and grabbed Reki and placed him on his hip, Cherry turned the tv on for Langa so that he was occupied whilst the other two were getting ready.

Joe went to Reki's room and checked to see if his night time diaper was dry, which it was, so Joe changed him out of it and asked how old he was as to wether he needed a pull up or not, Reki is 4 today so he doesn't need a pull up so Joe put him into some boxers.

Cherry went into Miya's room and removed his pull up, he then placed Miya into a fresh day time pull up as he was  3 today and they just wanted to prevent accidents for precaution only.

They went back downstairs to find Langa asleep again, Cherry placed Miya down and went to pick up Langa and wake him up again so they could have breakfast, Cherry placed Langa in his high chair and placed a bib round his neck, they then all sat down and waited for Joe to make their breakfast.

Soon Joe came back with breakfast and gave it to everyone, Joe fed himself and Langa who was a little messy after eating breakfast.

After breakfast the caregivers decided that it was a much needed bath time for the littles so they gave them a bath.

*time skip after 🛁⏱️*

The caregivers dressed the littles into daytime clothes and got ready for the day.

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