🌹ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ: ʏ/ɴ ɪɴ ꜱᴛᴇᴀᴍᴘᴜɴᴋ ʟᴏɴᴅᴏɴ.🌹

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''Once upon a time in the year 2023, a person named Y/N found herself immersed in the whirlwind of life. She was a very caring person, and devoted to helping others out. Y/N's grandmother, once full of vitality, now battled a terminal illness. The weight of her condition draped heavy upon her weary shoulders and Y/n was the one to take care of her. Her Grandmother, always reminded her there would be someplace for Y/N's kindness, caring character deep down a hole.''

''I'm going to the grocery store to get your groceries for you, Grandmother," Y/N said as she grabbed the shopping list and turned with a smile. Her grandmother, who had been feeling under the weather, looked up at Y/N with gratitude in her eyes.

Thank you, Y/N," the Grandmother thanked her as Y/N left the house with the list. Walking through the bustling streets of (Your State/Country), people were engrossed in conversation and busy with their daily activities. Doordashers hurriedly delivered food, and the sounds of their bikes whirred through the air.

As Y/N made her way through the lively streets, she noticed something shimmering in the corner of her eye. Curiosity sparked within her, and she slowly approached it. She found a Gold Medal with a unicorn head on it with Ruby Eyes deep as light red blood.

"Somebody must have lost this!" Y/N exclaimed, marveling at the golden medal in her hands. Its intricate design and the sparkling ruby eyes of the unicorn head captivated her. But as she picked it up, her foot suddenly slipped, and she tumbled down a deep hole.

Suddenly, the Black darkness got Ethereal and Wacky. Clocks and Birds chirped everywhere, the clocks going off every second it hit the twelve mark. Y/N looked over to the side and Saw Bart Simpson driving Marge Simpsons car. He laughed as he sped off, and then ducked her head when Dorothy Gale's house passed through. Horses with historical figures with swords marched through, steam powered onto Y/N's face. Y/n coughed at the stinky smell that smelled like sulfur. Y/N looked at the Unicorn Medallion and then looked up and got hit in the head with a pole.

Y/N Slowly blacked out, while her screaming faded out. Waking About 2 Hours Later, She was suddenly out of the Ethereal Tunnel adventure. Seeing a bright blue sky ahead, she struggled to climb out of the hole. She felt weak, as she just woke up from the Adventure through the tunnel.

Edred And Seng, were playing cards while Melinda and Copernicus were chatting. Edred then heard, a call for help. Looking over, he tried to see if he could hear it again. He did hear it again. ''Edred, is something wrong?'' Seng asked.

''..I'll be right back.'' Edred sat down his cards and pulled out Twillion. Chanting his words to use Twillion, he started flying to where he first heard it. The forest.

''I do not know what sorcery you just did, weird medallion. But when I find out..'' Y/N was interrupted by a Voice.

''Is anybody out here?'' Edred called out. Y/n raised her hand, and Edred landed on the ground softly, and placed Twillion on his back. Reaching the dim dark hole, he grabbed the hand that raised itself. He grabbed the hand and pulled them out. As Y/N was pulled out, she tossed the amulet on the ground and then pulled herself out.

''Are you alright..Miss?'' Edred then slowly stopped his words as Y/N dusted herself off. His eyes widened, who was this person? Y/N then fell on the ground in pain. Y/N fainted. Even before Y/N could fall on the ground and get dirty again, Edred caught her and picked up the Medallion.

''She fainted, but..why was she in the hole?'' Edred had many questions, but she had to be brought back to the others to see if they could help. When Edred got back with Y/N, Melinda immediately suggested they'd go to London.

"Look! She's Waking Up!" Seng Pointed. Edred then sat down to Y/N. Y/N Slowly woke up in what looked like to be a hospital.

"Are You Okay? Dizzy or what not?" Seng Asked. Y/N's eyes were blurry for a second, but after a matter of Blinking her vision was restored.

"What Happended..where am I?" Y/N asked.

"You're in the infirmary, Edred here got you out of the hole." Seng smiled.

Y/N looked over to the side and screamed a bit. "YOU'RE A ELF! AND YOUR FLYING, EVEN YOUR EYES!" Y/N turned to Seng. Melinda Flew Over To Y/N.

"YOU'RE FLYING TOO. Somebody Tell Me if I'm dreaming.." Y/N looked to the side and pinched herself.

"Im not Dreaming." Y/N then Realized. "My Grandmother! Where is she!" Y/N looked out of the window. She Screamed at The Steampunk Era London. The People Walking in their historical outfits, and the inventions too.

"What Year Is It?" Y/N asked. Melinda Looked at Y/N dumbfounded but had to answer her question.

"1890. Why do you ask?" Melinda replied.

Y/N then started panicking. "No! I cannot stay here! I have to get back, for my grandmother is Terminally ill! I have to take care of her." Y/N sat back down on the bed. ''I have to get back home..'' But she remembered, what her grandmother said. 'There would be someplace for Your kindness, caring character deep down a hole.' And She fell down a hole. This was the place, the someplace For Y/N.

''Miss, We have a question. What year did you come from?'' Seng asked. Y/N brightened up.

''2023! The Year 2023!'' Y/N stood up quickly. Seng, Edred and Melinda looked at Y/N dumbfounded. ''I fell down this hole, while I found this medallion.'' Y/N pulled out the medallion from her pockets.

''That's Copernicus's missing piece!'' Melinda took the piece and gave it to Copernicus. The robot took the piece happily and hid it. Y/N pulled out her phone and saw a text message from her Grandmother. Where are you, it said. The Nurse turned and screamed.

''Witchcraft!'' The Nurse Pointed. Edred then grabbed Y/N's hand and then, Seng, Melinda and Copernicus Left along with Edred and Y/N. 



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