Into the depths

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As Elora reached the pair she stumbled slightly, slipping on a small patch of ice. Oso and Jericho turned around.
    "Good thing we aren't sneaking up on anyone. I've heard quieter steps from a clumsy ox" the Maine coon sneered.

    Elora steadied herself and eyed the large cat.

"and Ive smelled better breath on a dead fish."

Jericho chuckled and winked at her. He knew how revolting Oso could be, he also knew not to engage with him or it made it worse. He placed a hand on Eloras shoulder and his gaze met hers.

    "Hey, if you're not up for this..." he started. It was just like Jericho to see through you, your fears, your worries and you're regrets.

    "I'm fine really." she put on her best smile." honestly it was just a bit of ice."

    A curt nod and they were off, after half a mile or so they came to a large iron fence with a courtyard that stretched a few yards, ending at large stone steps. Ice and snow twinkled in the moonlight, giving the grass a liquid look to it. The large church loomed in the distance, The architect was beautiful. It was built in the 16th century according to the records.

  Stone gargoyles perched menacingly around the building. A large cross set neatly at the very tip of the tallest tower. fat cherubs holding harps and lyres decorated the great wooden doors.

All the lights behind the stained glass window were out but the three figures that stood outside the gate knew that whatever lurked in the great structure, preferred the dark.

  Off to the side of the courtyard smaller buildings sat like great crypts amongst the frozen grass, grey and made of stone. This was where they kept the mentally ill. The church was where they held mass. A single watch tower loomed over the small buildings. The trio knew there was a guard perched somewhere high above, ensuring no one could get out or get it. Feeling the other twos concern Jericho smiled brightly.

    "I cut a hole in the fence, just out of sight of the guard tower earlier... that was my entrance plan, but now that you're here." He grinned at OSO. " how about some cover."

    The Maine coon scoffed. "Its amazing how useless humans are, stand next to each other."
    They did as they were told and with the flick of his tail the Maine coons eyes turned an electric blue. Energy crackled and fizzed and Elora could feel her body tingling. Her head became full of an electric hum. It was a nauseating feeling anytime psychic energy was directed at someone. The effects were hard to endure, even after the hundreds of times shes felt it. However it was a relief the psychic power was coming from a friend and not a foe.

    At that moment, had you been a spectator off to the sides, you would see 2 young adults standing at attention, facing a large unmoving cat. they swayed slightly their eyes dazed and empty. you'd think they were drug addicts, until a shimmer appeared around the two and they were completely gone from sight, leaving the cat standing alone. You'd rub your eyes and wonder if you maybe had to much to drink that night. Oso eyed them for a moment.

    "There you are, you both still look stupid, but at least no one will see you. we've only got 6 minutes... time to move."

    Looking over at Jericho, Elora took notice that his skin was a translucent steel color almost like mercury inside of a thermometer, sliver smoke rose from his body. He was completely monochrome. no twinkle in the eye no pearly white teeth, just a shimmering shape of silver light.

    Hopping the fence and avoiding the razor wire the two quickly covered the courtyard at a sprint making their way towards the large wooden doors. oso trailed behind nonchalantly, stray cats were as common as rain, he wouldn't be noticed.

   Jericho got to the door first and with a slight of hand pulled a lock pick set from his silvery trench coat, after a moment the lock clicked with a satisfying sound.

   Opening the door he slipped in, followed by Elora and then the Great cat whose body struggled to squeeze through the small opening.

    The prayer hall was magnificent. High ceilings stretched up to a skylight that showed the dark sky above. The inside was made of beautiful carved wood, hundreds of pews lined the ground designed in purple and gold. You could see dozens of candles lining the center ailse that led up to a podium. They were extinguished but had they been lit, the hall would have shined with golden light.

   There were portraits between the stained glass windows, depicting angels and scenes from the bible. Above the podium at the end of the hall a large balcony sat like a birds nest over looking the floor. Two gargoyles sat on ether side of the structure. The air had a peculiar smell of rot and...

    "Blood" Elora whispered. "i smell blood."

   Jericho nodded and Elora took notice that his features were slowly coming back. They'd soon be visible again.

    "Like Oso said, he's been around for a long time. who knows how many he's killed and eaten. The energy here feels wrong. I spoke to Father David briefly but he met me in the psych ward. I never actually stepped foot in here. Equipment out."

    They ducked out of sight behind a pew. lining up their duffel bags they unzipped them and each pulled a pair of black goggles from the bags strapping them around their heads.These goggles allowed people in their line of work to see the things they hunted. The Lens were made of glass infused with obsidian. They made the wearer resemble a large insect, with large glinting black eyes.

  The next thing pulled from the bag were small glass vials, these were filled with blessed water, the origin of the liquid itself was unknown, but it was forever flowing and there was plenty of it to go around, if you knew where to look. it tore through most spectral forms, demons being one of them, it was like battery acid.

    Jericho pulled silver canisters from the depths of his bag and gave one to Elora. She had never seen these before.

    "Hellfire. a gift from Norris Mund. Don't ask how she got it. If you get in a tight pinch pull the seal and let it rip. Demons aren't as powerful in their realm as you know. The fire keeps them weak, that's why they come here. This way we bring the flames to them."

    Elora stuck the flare into her vest pocket and reached into her bag pulling from it a mechanical cross bow of fine design. It was a gift from Jericho all those years back, when he first found her...she shook the memory from her head and pulled out a few silver tipped bolts. it was a repeater fast and precise.

   She loaded the bolts into the mag and snapped the line back arming the crossbow. she pulled the sleeves of her shirt up past the elbows, relieving her ritual tattoos that covered most of her body.she struggled to remember the words.
    "Asu nor mall ignitum" Oso hissed annoyingly. his eyes were a deep purple scanning the dark around them, still as a stature even his tail refused to move.

    Elora repeated the words and the tattoos began to squirm down her arm. the intricate designs creeped down her hand and onto the cold steel of the crossbow, intertwining between bolts and curving to the contrast of the hilt. The metal began to illuminate a deep purple. once the transfer was complete the crossbow was covered in the ritual designs as if they had been there all along.

  Most arcane magic was done via sigils. dispatchers often inked their flesh with the markings using the old language to ignite the force behind the words. they could be used to inhance weaponry or make the wearer faster. vessels of this arcane magic often chose a physical host, most were noticeable by their choice of animal familiars used in the black arts. crows, ravens.....and cats.

THE VILE THREE Book 1. EloraWhere stories live. Discover now