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The loud rumble of Amelia brought her to her senses, she could see the black car pulling slowly up the road. She waved a hand and could see Jericho smiling from the driver's side, his dark glasses reflected her face at her as she leaned into the window. he wore an ash-colored suit today, a red button-up, and a red tie underneath, charming and well-coordinated as always.his hair had its traditional rustled look to it.

"ready?" he asked she nodded and got into the passenger side, then came bounding out the door. clenched in his teeth was a bag of shrimp-flavored chips. he didn't protest getting in the back, he didn't harass Elora at all the whole drive to Munds, and he knew better than to upset her, despite his cocky attitude the Maine coon seemed to know when enough was enough. this however didn't stop him from heckling bystanders from the back seat.

"YEAH? well, your mother has a hunchback you fish-faced Creten" he yelled at a group of teenagers who were gawking and pointing at him "I will eat your hearts you pubescent horny little..."

Jericho shushed his companion and glanced over to Elora, she hadn't said a word since they began driving he cleared his throat and rested a hand on Elora's leg squeezing it gently.

"I know you're upset, Mund will have answers I'm sure of it, Trust me," he said confidently. She slipped her hand into his but said nothing. She just wanted this moment to last, surrounded by her friends where nothing could hurt her. Jericho's hand was warm and almost instantly she felt better.

"I'm know that right? I'm sorry I dragged you back in it just...." his voice was quiet now Elora stole a glance and saw his charming smile was now a sad frown.

." I missed you Ellie and I had hoped that you would rethink your decision and come back...but not like this....if I had known "he trailed off.

This made her smile, it wasn't often Jericho was straightforward like this. It gave her a sense of importance between them. When she had decided to leave his side he hadn't fought to change her mind, there was no expression on his face, he simply...allowed her to walk away. she wasn't sure what was worse the fact that she had come to this decision or the fact that he hadn't tried to stop her. She knew he cared, if he hadn't then he wouldn't have saved her life years back, more importantly, he wouldn't have kept her around, brought her into his world. Very little was known about Jericho's past, Elora knew he had been fighting the supernatural for years up until he recruited her but other than that he left a lot of who he was in the dark. He had no family. he lived in a lovely flat In east London and was roughly 5 or 6 years older than herself. He was a strong person who never faltered quit and Elora was sure that she had never seen him sleep once. Jericho Cross was just as much a mystery as the visions she had on the bridge.

So she allowed this moment to linger, she didn't respond nor did she remove her hand from his. The Sunny day was lifting her mood somewhat, children were out in coats and scarves playing tag or marbles on the sidewalk. adults briskly walked with bags of groceries or odds and ends, delivery trucks made their rounds. it was a normal day for normal people. she envied them as They cruised through the strand. At last, after 40 or so minutes they stopped in front of a Rundown pawn shop just before the waterfront, this area was considered a bad part of town....if only they knew. a large Man stood fixed to the side of the entrance to the dilapidated shop, His pale face set in concentration. a hulk of a man in A black and white tracksuit trying his best to look human. He did a good job. you couldnt tell what he was at just a glance but the more you stared the more rubbery his face became as if he was wearing a mask, his teeth were coated in silver and if he had removed his raybands you would take note of the fact that he had no eyes. Just above him sat a lopsided sign, its red letters were faded but not illegible they spelled out one word" Munds"

Elora stepped out of the Buick with a large smile across her face, the man eyed her suspiciously.

"Randal is that you?" she squeaked waving furiously. As she came closer Randels shoulder slumped in relief, his lopsided smile full of glinting silver.

"Ello Elora Been a min yes? he growled. She wrapped her arms around his large frame a sweet smell of Earth filled her nose.

"It is so good to see you, how have you been" she said into his belly. he continued smiling, it was hard for Randal to keep in conversation but he always tried his best. English was not his first language, actually no language was...Randal was a golem. a simple protector, put together by Mud and clay, and bits of metal. whatever Mund could get her hands on. he was then bewitched with just enough intelligence to not wreak havoc or soil itself. Elora had taken a liking to him, back in the day When Jericho was off gaining intel from Mund she was told to wait outside while the "adults" talked. She didn't mind it. Randal was slow but it didn't mean he couldn't express himself, he was particularly fond of music.

"Am ok Elora and yew? been way too long way too long yes? Back at it?" He reached a large palm out to shake Jericho's hand which disappeared in his large fingers.

"Oh, something like" Elora responded. He nodded focusing his gaze on Oso who had appeared at her ankles his scarlet eyes unblinking the two stared at each other for a moment no words were spoken...Oso had that effect on most. They bid farewell and then entered the shop as they stepped into the dimly lit place a small bell rang somewhere in the back room. They waited patiently.

Looking around, the place hadn't changed much. it still held dusty items on shelves and behind glass cabinets. Price tags are set ridiculously low. the whole place smelled like Mildew amidst old tools costume jewelry and decorative weapons like swords and rapiers. there was a clothes rack set in the center of the shop covered from top to bottom in dust, against the back wall was a sales counter. an antique register sat amongst books and magazines. a beaded curtain separated the front from the back. the place looked abandoned it was a surprise no one caught on to what was going on here none of the items had been moved for years.

Oso was inspecting trinkets and jewelry on the bottom shelf of a cabinet and shaking his head at the pretentiousness of the necklaces and rings. Elora stood arms folded admiring the fake swords and shields. Jericho however leaned on the counter checking his watch every few seconds. As her mind wandered Elora could feel the familiar feeling of fear begin to creep up on her. She wheeled around focusing her eyes on the farthest wall. a small bust of the Virgin Mary sat amongst other religious items. the bust stared back at her, causing the hair on the back of her head to stand her breathing became ragged her hands clammy she couldn't take her eyes off the bust.

Suddenly the eyes of the small statue blazed a fiery red. Elora jumped away screaming aloud her body met the clothing rack which tumbled to the ground taking Elora with it, she scrambled into a corner full of old acoustic instruments shielding her face Fear gripped at her chest.

She could feel Jericho's hands clasping her shoulders, but it wasn't him that spoke. a stern cool voice spoke from the sales counter. a voice of authority, An intimidating yet caring voice

"Well now quite an entrance, do you mind not destroying my shop"

Elora peeked through her fingers at the bust. its eyes were no longer red the fear was gone. breathing heavily she glanced over to the voice, A young blonde woman stood just in front of the beaded curtain her arms crossed. a pair of large round glasses obscured most of her face but even so, you could tell she was incredibly attractive. her slim body wrapped in a black shawl blue electric eyes peered out at them.

It was hard to tell Just exactly how young Norris Mund was, If you happened to glance at her you'd see a woman in her early 20s only a few years older than Elora was, but when you heard her speak...that was something different entirely, she spoke as if she knew things others possibly could, a sort of wise beyond her years demeanor. she could reference things no one her age could know, she could command a room full of people with influence to shut up and listen. she was a lot older than she looked that much was clear. some say it was because she drank blessed water, she was of course the main supplier of it and it did amazing things.

Elora stood amidst the instruments she could feel her cheeks slowly becoming hot. Jericho smiled his widest smile.

"Sorry about that Norris" he gleamed picking up the clothing rack a few feet from where they stood. "you remember Elora right? She's here for some help" Mund regarded Elora with a blank stare unblinking. Norris always gave the impression she was looking deep within you, into your soul.

"I remember her sure, she wasn't so squirrelly back then good to see you two patched things up" Her eyes landed on Oso who was trying his best to stay out of sight.
his bushy tail sticking out from behind a large empty pot.

"And Look who it is.... my least favorite member of your little clan. How are you Osomal" Oso peaked gingerly from behind the pot.

"Err'm doing well Miss Mund no complaints" he muttered fully coming out of his hiding spot.

Oso used to belong to Norris's mind way back before Jericho and Elora. He was a companion to the woman and a close friend. until one day she caught him trying to set free a couple of Harpies that had caused hysteria on the metro, in his defense They had offered him a large crate of swordfish they claimed he would receive after their release, but he never got that far, after stealing the key to set them free he ran into mund who was ironically in search of that very key, not having pockets made it hard to conceal so there he was just outside the cell to the two harpies Hey in mouth and a very furious Norris mund. she had intended to send OSO back to the underworld, but in walked Jericho cross, after much persuading he managed to convince Mund to allow him to take the Maine coon off her hands after an undisclosed amount of cash was transferred Oso was part of a duo again.

Norris gestured to the beaded curtain and the trio followed her through, a small elevator sat just on the other side of the small space behind the counter, a large golden owl etched into the double doors and a single button illuminated just off to the side. it wasn't a suspicious elevator by any means, it's where it went that was amazing. Elora had taken that lift many times in the past but being here after so many years made her stomach churn. she felt like an outsider like she didn't belong anymore Like her old life never happened, just a dream she had awoken from some time ago. their host jammed a finger into the lift and the doors opened with a clatter. they all piled in and without a word Norris hit the second button.

once again Elora felt as if she were falling, the lift dropped at an unholy speed twisting this way and that spiraling like a torpedo deep into the earth. the golden light that illuminated the inside of the lift blurred as it spun. Eloras hand found Jericho's shoulder and gripped it tightly. he stood unmoving in the spot unaffected by the sudden free fall, a large smile on his face he always managed to make things seem effortless, Oso was having just as much trouble as Elora his claws were out and he was gripping the Red carpeted floor for dear life. down and down they went for what felt like an eternity Eloras Stomach began to churn again and she felt as though she was going to be sick, Norris mund stood facing them her arms folded, a look of boredom on her face.

"Please don't puke in here, it will fly everywhere," She said in a sleepy voice.
Elora swallowed hard and closed her eyes. just as fast as the roller coaster of the descent began it was quickly over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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