When Eyes First Meet

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It was early afternoon when the small group exited the Hangedman and the summer heat had already turned Kirkwall's Lowtown into a melting pot of sweating unwashed bodies and piss. Carver Hawke hated Kirkwall everything about the city made him sick. Most of all he hated the fact that after a whole year of being in this Maker for saken place he was still living in his older sister's shadow.

Growing up Epthny and his twin sister Bethany were both the favorites of their father, them being mages like Malcolm. Carver had always felt the outsider in the family. The lone warrior in a house full of mages was not what he would call being special and as a boy he always seemed to be on his own. Epthny was the star of the family and when Malcolm died it was her that he left in charge of taking care of her mother and the twins. And now he was stuck with her, trying to make enough money to get in on venture to the Deep Roads. And if luck would have it he would make a name for himself.

The siblings had just picked up their new business partner an odd surface darwf named Varric and were on their way to meet up with their friend Aveline in Hightown when the sound of a woman crying for help floated out of a near by allyway.

The oldest Hawke looked to Carver and he could see trouble written all over his sister's face as she took off down the side street. "Off to rescue the damsel it is!" Shouted Varric over his shoulder to Carver as he toar off after Hawke. Like we don't have better things to be doing with our time, Carver thought to himself reaching a hand up to remove the greatsword from his back.

When the group came to a small courtyard at the end of the ally Carver moved to stand beside Hawke who had stopped at the opening to the courtyard. A group of five large well armed and unsavory looking men stood in a circle around a young woman who was trying to dart out between men. Carver made to step forward but was stopped by Varric's arm in his gut. The larger man started to protest but the drawf just smiled and pointed to the scene playing out in front of them.

One of the men had a firm grip on the woman's upper arm and was turning her to face the rest of his men. "Look what we've got her boys. A sweet little flower for the Vents. You will fetch a good price my lady." The man, clearly the leader of the group, said as he picked up a hand full of her hair, lifted it to his nose and inhaled deeply. "Delicious smelling too. How bouts a taste sweet thing."

"Get you hands off me!" The girl yelled, twisting her arm in the man's grip. Laughter erupted from the group of slavers echoing off the stone walls. "Fiesty little thing ain't she boys?", said the leader as his free hand began to travel slowing south down the girls chest and stomach making his way to the hem of her skirt. The site made Carver's stomach turn and once again he made a move to stop the men before they violated the girl any further.

The events that happened next seemed to go by in slow motion. A purple light seemed to raidate from the girls hands and before the man holding her could react lighting encircled her arm and ran up his whole body. The man let out a blood curteling scream and released her. As soon as she was free the girl brought up her knee and planted it in the man's crouch causing him to fall to his knees cupping his manhood just in time for her to bring back her fist and punch him square in the nose. Even from where he was standing Carver could hear the sound of bone crunching. The slaver fell to the dirt blood pouring from his now broken nose.

While Carver stood in awe at the display of strength the beautiful woman had just performed one of the other slavers rushed her from behind a knife in hand. "Mage whore" yelled the man as the girl spun in time to dogde his blade. Before Carver could react Varric let loose a blot from his crossbow, dropping the man in his tracks. Hawke ran forward sending a storm of ice from her staff at one of the remaining thugs. Carver fast stepped and bringing his greatsword in a arc cleved another one in the chest as his sister sent a wave of icy spikes to impale the last man in the head. The whole battle last mere seconds.

"Well that's a great way to get the blood flowing. Wouldn't you say Jounir?" Varric laughted, slaping the younger Hawke on the back. "Are you alright serah?" Carver ask, walking over to the girl as he slung his weapon on to his shoulder. The girl turned to face him and dazzling emarld green eyes meet amber brown. Carver had never seen a creature so beautiful in all his nineteen years of life. Her skin was sun kissed olive toned and her long hair fell in waves of auburn curls down her slender back.

She smiled at him and the light from it would make Andraste herself envious. "I thank you messer. I truly don't believe I could have handled all of them alone." Carver stood before her with what he knew had to be a stupid look on his face unable to make his mind and mouth work together to form words.

"You're a mage!" He blurted out and instantly wanted to kick himself in the head. Maker's balls! There were just somethings you didn't say out loud in Kirkwall not with templars prowling the streets ready to drag away any apastates off to the Gallows. Carver found he could not bear the idea of this woman being made tranquil.

To Carver's great relief the girl simply smiled and laughed the sound of it was musical. "Caught that did you? Yes I am. Hope that's not a problem. Me being a dreaded rouge mage." She said still smiling. "No! I mean of course not. I mean well.." Maker kill me now! He thought. Another laugh came from the woman and she covered her perfect mouth with a delacet hand. Now he could feel the warmth creeping up his neck and spreading over his face.

"So do my great rescuer's have names?" She asked in a singsong voice that made Carver want nothing more than to hear it all the time. "Oh! My name is Carver and this is my older sister Hawke and that is Varric." He said waving to the others without taking his eyes from hers.

"I prefer the handsome lovable storyteller myself." Chimed in Varric from somewhere behind him. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. I was on my way home when these blighters ganged up on me. I am right sure my brother is going to have a kitten if I don't get back soon. Thank you again to all of you." She said now looking past Carver at the others. She turned to leave when Carver's mind finally start working again. "I should walk you home. You shouldn't be out on these streets alone." He all but yelled after her as he stepped in front of her to block the exit to the street. "Thank you for worrying about me but I assure you I will be fine. The entrance to Darktown is not far from here."

"I won't take no for an anwser." Carver replied taking her arm in his and leading her down the path back to the main street. "I'll caught up with you in Hightown sister." He called back to Hawke as he walked way with the mystery woman.

"Have you ever seen Jounir smile like that before?" Asked Varric, coming to stand at Hawke's elbow. "Not in a long time." She said softly with a small smile pulling at the corners of her fair mouth. "But I could bet you I know what it means."

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