To Worship

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"Well, we won't have such great company in the Deep Roads. Can't believe that we will finally be moving out in the morning. You ready partner?" Varric was saying to Hawke, passing her a fresh tankard of ale. The group had all gathered at the Hangedman for their weekly game of Wicked Grace. They had been playing for several hours and were all two sheets to the wind. Everyone but Johanna, at least. As was the norm for her, when Varric offered her a drink she politely refused stating that she did not drink.

Carver took a look around the table. Fenris and Aveline were both exchanging battle stories. Hawke and Varric were pouring over last minute preparations for the Deep Roads trip, while Anders stared at her with wanton eyes.

"I'm out." Carver said, tossing his rather bad hand of cards on the table and taken a large drink from is tankard. "Does that mean I win?" Asked Johanna with a wide prefect smile. Over the course of the last two games, she had slowly moved from her spot next to him and was now seated in between his legs, with her feet in Fenris' lap. Carver wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her bear shoulder, peering at her card hand. "Only if you beat me Kitten." Isabela purred from across the table, a grin on her dark features. The sassy pirate had won the last five games in a row, and Carver was pretty sure she was cheating.

"Alright ladies, show 'em if you got 'em." Fenris said. Carver held his breath as Isabela laid down her hand. "Two daggers." She said sitting her elbows on the table and placing her chin on her folded hands. "Let's see it Sweet Thing." Carver exhaled slowly, glancing at Johanna out of the corner of his eyes. Her green eyes flashed from the cards in her hands then to the ones Isabela had laid down.

"Oh dear that is a good hand Isabela." She said innocently, biting her bottom lip. The pirate laughed and reached for the pile of coins that laid between them. Johanna's hand shot out to stop her. "But not good enough...four knights." Carver laughed as one by one Johanna laid down her superior hand with a wicked smile.

"That's my girl." He said, and she turned in his embrace to give him a kiss. "Well I couldn't have done it without my lucky charm." She purred, arms snaking up to hang around his neck. "Yeah yeah. You won. Now why don't the two of you get a room." Isabela pouted. Carver couldn't help but blush. Maker only knew how much he wanted to. Johanna giggled, "Looks like someone could use some fresh air." She smiled at him and as always he felt his heart race.

Standing she picked up his hand and pulled him to the tavern's back door. "Where are we going?" He asked once outside. The night sky was clear and a full moon bathed the city in slivery light. Carver watched as Johanna raised her hands to the sky and did a little twirl in the middle of the street, her laughter filling the air. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" He said smiling at her as he leaned against a wall. "Not today." She chimed coming to stand before him. He took her hand and stared down into her moonlite eyes. "Well you are my lady." He smiled at her, bring a hand up to cradle her glowing face. Bending down he brushed his lips across hers. He let out a gasp as her hands tangled in his hair and pulled him back to her, deepening the kiss. "I love you, Carver Hawke. You and no other." She muddered against his mouth between breaths.

Carver lifted his hands to untangle them from one another. Holding her elegant hands in his he took a deep breath. If he was going to do this he needed to hurry up before his nerves got the better of him. Taking another deep breath to settle the butterflies in his stomach, he closed his eyes. "Johanna there's something I want to ask you." He stopped, sweat beading on his brow despite the chill in the air. "What is it?" He heard her ask, worry clear in her singsong voice. "I would...that is I wanted to ask...Oh Makers breath! Johanna will you marry me?" Carver rushed out in one breath.

When he heard no reply he opened his eyes. Johanna was looking down at their hands, absolutely still. Fear bubbled up in his chest threatening to choke him. She didn't want a poor man with not even a home to give her. This had been a terrible idea. What in the name of the Maker had he been thinking? Suddenly a tiny glint of light caught his eyes. Great I made her cry! I'm the most stupid...

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