Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

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Johanna stood in the middle of a wildflower field wearing, of all things, Grey Warden armor. A warm summers sun bathed her in it's golden light. She raised her face to the rays, closing her eyes and smiling, she turned in a circle with her arms outstretched. This was her place in the Fade, the one Her dreaming mind had created just for her. The sound of a babbling stream reached her ears and she stopped her dance in favor of finding the flowing water. Looking around, her eyes took in a three hundred and sixty degree view of endless clear sky and wildflowers.

As she started to walk a tall dark figure came into view on the horizon. She moved stealthily, demons had breached her wards before but something about this mystery figure seemed different. The closer she came to it, the more details see could make out. Black hair blew in the light breeze. At five feet away she felt her heart skip a beat. The thing that stood before was Carver. She narrowed her eyes at the Carver look a like.

"Be gone demon. There's no deals to be made here." She proclaimed to it. They both regarded each other for a spell, neither moving.

"You wonder why it is the rite of tranquility had no effect on you." The thing stated matter of factly in Carver's voice.

"No. I'm wondering why you are still here, demon." She hissed, growing more and more angry.

"I am no demon and you are no human. Not truly." Johanna eyed the thing with disbelief.

"If you are not a demon than what are you?" She asked trying to keep her temper under control.

"I am the one that has watched over you from this place. You called to me, so I am here."

"That is not an answer." She said through gritted teeth. The thing sighed and walked toward her. Instinctively Johanna stepped back, pulling mana to her fingertips.

The spirit took another step toward her, and for the briefest of moments Johanna could see something familiar in its stolen amber eyes. "I am a spirit of wisdom." It answered.

She laughed. "Yeah right. And I'm the Divine." She said sarcastically.

"You wish to know what you are. How is it that you possess such remarkable strength." The spirit reached out and lightly placed a finger on each of her temples. Magic surged through her body, almost painfully. Before her eyes the field and blue sky melted and reshaped itself around them.

They stood in a crumbling temple ruin, over grown by a forest that sought to reclaim it. Johanna turned in a circle. The blue sky had been replaced by the darkness of night. A large stone alter sat in the middle of the chamber, strange symbols caved into its grey stone.

"Why have you brought me here?" She asked, turning to the spirit. An eree feeling seeped into her, like she had been in this place before.

"You are... faith." It said. Johanna turned on her heels to walk away. "You do not believe because you do not remember." She stopped. Fire light appeared at the entrance to the chamber and voices drifted to them. She watched as two hooded figures materialized from the shadows.

"We must try, Ma Vhenan." A male voice said. The two approached the alter and the taller one laid a small bundle on the stone surface. They pulled their hoods down, revealing their faces. The taller one was a elven man with long silvery hair and beautiful green eyes. His face was covered in branch looking tattoos. A Dalish elf? Johanna's eyes trailed to the second figure.

"What if it doesn't work, Somniar? I won't lose you both." The human woman said, her hand gripping at his arm. Johanna felt her stomach drop as she took in the woman's olive toned skin and long curly auburn hair.

"Are these my parents?" She asked the spirit, her eyes not leaving the the couple. The spirit did not answer. They watched as the man kissed his lover tenderly, before turning to the alter. He produced a small dagger from the holds of his cloak. Placing it to the palm of his hand, he winched slightly as he pulled the blade across his pale skin. Blood pooled in his hand as he began to chant in elven.

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