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You were shuffling clothes around in your drawers and your closet

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You were shuffling clothes around in your drawers and your closet. You had been looking for your f/c hoodie/shirt for days. You checked everywhere in the Tower, but you couldn't find it.

There was a knock at your door. "Come in.", you said.

"Hey, Y/N." It was your girlfriend, Rachel "What are you doing? Why is your room a mess?"

You said, " I've been looking for my hoodie/shirt for days. Do you know where it is?"

Rachel answered, "Um, nooooo?!?", her voice going up a few octaves.

You turn around and saw Rachel wearing your f/c hoodie/shirt with some black ripped jeans.

"So, you're the thief.", internally you were smiling. She looked cute in your clothes.

Rachel blushed and shyly lowered her head. She whined, "It's comfy!" You noticed she was starting to walk backwards to the door.

Fortunately, the other Titans were not in the Tower to witness it. You chased her through the other rooms

"Rave, give it back." She bolted out of your room, with you following behind her. You chased her into the living area. Rachel was on one side of the couch, with you on the other side.

Rachel tried to jump past you before you grabbed her around the waist and wrestled her to the couch.

"Rach, please give it back or else." She responded, "No, it's comfy. It reminds me of you." You straddled her hips and used a spell, purple magic holding her wrists together above her head.

"You asked for it, then." You lifted the shirt/hoodie, exposing her midriff. Her eyes darted around, trying to think of an escape plan. "Please, Y/N, I'll do anything! Just not that!" she begged.

You didn't listen as you brought your hands down to her stomach. As your fingers came in contact with her stomach, her pleas turned to peals of laughter.

In your 3 months of dating, you discovered Rachel was incredibly ticklish. She threatened to kill you if you told anyone.

"Fine! I…admit it! Just…stop…tickling…me!" she forced out between giggles.

"Pleasseee! I give! I give!", while she was distracted, you pulled your hoodie/shirt off of her, reclaiming your clothing.

Once you got off her, she ran to her room and came back wearing a dark blue sweater you gave her for her birthday. You realized she only had your shirt/hoodie as a shirt.

"Can you please give me at least one shirt/hoodie. It reminds me of you.", she shyly asked.

"Fine, just ask for it instead of just stealing it." You stood up and kissed her on her forehead.

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