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Disclaimer: Everyone in this fanfiction is above the age of 16.

Rachel was laid back on her bed, her legs hanging over the side with your head buried under her skirt.

They were supposed to be preparing for a mission 10 minutes ago with the Titans, but she was not one to pass up an orgasm.

Your tongue swirled around her clit, sucking it between your lips causing a groan from Rachel.

She threw one leg over your shoulder, the heel of her shoe digging into your back.

“Y/N,” she moaned loudly as you eased two fingers inside her.

Your head popped out from her skirt which Rachel was displeased with.

“I love it when you say my name like that,” you grinned curling your fingers hitting the spot that made her knees weak.

“Make me finish in 5 minutes and maybe you’ll hear it again,” Rachel ordered.

Rachel gasped when your tongue returned to her clit and started flicking rapidly.

There was a knock at the door. "Y/N, we have to go. Hurry up in there." You pulled away from her while continuing to finger Rachel, as she covered her mouth with her hand.

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute." You waited until Dick walked a few feet away from the door before resuming.

You continued your work on making Rachel come undone. “Y/n!” Her thighs shook with each lap of your tongue over her slit. Watching her face contort in pleasure as you continued to suck and lick eagerly at her clit. Fingers continued to pump into her tight entrance as her walls fluttered around your digits.

Her skin was so soft as you squeezed at it and rubbed sensually. Showing some sign of comfort as your tongue and fingers showed the opposite. It was enough to send the girl’s mind into a flurry as her hands rested on the sides of your head. She began to rock her hips against your lips and tongue, desperate to reach the precipice that she deserved.

“Oh fuck,” she cried out a few moments later, “Y/N!", she cried, body shaking and twitching as you pulled your face from her heat. Your fingers to continue to pump slowly in and out of her pussy. Softly curling your fingers and smiling when her legs twitched with a whimper.

Rachel came with your fingers deep inside her, your lips around her clit pulsing as she rode out her climax.

You helped her clean up and suited up for the mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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