-Chapter 2-

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Mason groaned as his alarm clock beeped obnoxiously, making his ears ring. He rolled nearer to his bedside table, hitting the small clock weakly. He inched his way out of bed lazily, flopping on to the floor with a grunt. "Ow." Mason said with a tired yawn. He heard footsteps approaching his door. "Sir, you have training with your father at twelve." A sandy-haired servant said politeley as she opened his door. " Wait, TWELVE?! Crap! I forgot!" He exclaimed while looking at his clock, realizing it was already 11:30. He jumped to his feet and dashed towards his closet, pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed his crown off of his bedside table, and he was off, heading towards the kingdom barraks.
/ AN: Sort of a little filler chapter for everyone, sorry that it's so short! \

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