Chapter1:Why do I even try?

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Hi my name is Faith. I'm currently 17. This is gonna be a story taking you through the most shitty three years of my life.

~Hi my name is really Carmen.This story is based on my 19 year-old sister. Everything you read in here is all true~

Hi I'm Faith.
Today was the worst day of my life. I'm in highschool right now, and I was caught smoking in the parking lot. I had to go to court,and of course i lost the argument. And I was sentenced to a week in prison.

I only stayed one day though. My dad and stepmother bailed me out. I was happy to see them,before I was wacked to death with my dad's hand. But for some reason I didn't learn my lesson. The next week i was caught smoking in the bathroom this time. The reason I didn't stop is becase i got away with it for the whole week.

I was hurt that day becase I was reported by my best friend Ashten. I was heart broken when i found out she did that to me. But now that I am older I relized that she did the right thing. So when i went to court i lost the fight against them AGAIN.

I was sentenced to twice the time i had last time. This time was different though,I didn't get bailed out this time. I spent a whole two weeks in prison. It was terrible. I was smacked, beaten,and almost killed in prison. My cell mate tryed to drownd me in the toilet water. I still never learned my leason..........

~thank you for reading~
~this is the story of my really terrible and selfish sister Faith~

Lots of love

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