Touch Tone Telephone

34 1 9

Stan: 16
Kyle: 16

Third Person

Day 1

'Alright. You can do this. You can do this!' Kyle was trying his best to gain confidence. He had finally figured out what he was going to say to Stan, so the only obstacle left was actually saying it. Sure, he had practiced in his room more times than he could count, but now that he had to actually tell Stan, it was a different story.

Kyle's POV

I took several deep breaths, looking nervously at the phone sitting on my bedside table. 'I can do this!' I squeezed my eyes shut and closed my hands into fists, a sudden wave of determination washing over me. 'I can do this!'

My hand slowly reached for the phone, shaking and sweating. 'Why is this so difficult?' I groaned out of frustration and grabbed the phone. I started to dial the first few digits, each time I pressed a button it would make a different noise. Sometimes Stan and I would make songs out of the tones, then call whatever number we made. We always thought it was so funny. The thought of him smiling and laughing caused my face to turn as red as my hair, and I put the phone down.

I flopped onto my bed, head in my hands, sighing. 'Tomorrow.' I thought, taking my hands off my face, 'I'll do it tomorrow.' I smiled at the thought of hearing his voice, talking with him, laughing with him, kissing him... I grabbed a pillow and buried my face- which was practically glowing, it was so red.

Day 2

'This time, I've got it!' Earlier that day, I wrote down what I was going to say to Stan. I glanced over at the phone, and decided it wouldn't hurt to rehearse what I was going to say one more time. Right? Right.

    I started pacing around my room, looking down at the small paper in my hand. "Stan, there's something I need to tell you." I shook my head, "Shit that makes it sound like something bad." I groaned and put my hands on my face. 'This has to be perfect.' I slowly dragged my hands off of my face, stretching my face a little.

I sat back onto my bed, sighing. Being a perfectionist, I was determined to find the perfect thing to say. I was certain that saying the "perfect" thing would ensure success. I held the paper up, reading it once more. I stood up and walked over to my desk, looking for a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Sticking my tongue out, I started to write again.

It took a while, but I had finally found what I deemed to be perfect. I held it high, grinning with satisfaction. I walked over to the phone on my bedside table, and once again started to type in Stans number, each button creating a different tone. The phone rang once. Twice. I heard someone on the other line.

"Hello?" It was Stan. I started to panic and slammed the phone down, ending the call. 'Why did I do that? Why did I do that? I'm such a fucking coward.' I laid down on my bed, arms spread. 'Tomorrow.'

Day 3

I sat on my bed, curled up in a ball. I felt like crying, but I couldn't. It was awful.

Earlier that day

I was standing at the bus stop, waiting for Stan and Cartman to arrive. I was looking at my phone while Kenny chatted with Butters. Kenny had his arm around Butters shoulder. They swear that they aren't dating, but I don't know.

    "I still can't believe they got back together!" Kenny said. I looked up from my phone, my heart sinking. There was only one couple that came to mind.

    "I-uh... Who got back together?" I asked nervously. Kenny and Butters turned to look at me. The look on Kenny's face was enough. He knew about my crush.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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