Book 2

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The adventure continues in the sequel! (Less fucking more ✨drama✨ because I got myself invested in this plotline like a dummy 🤣 )


Megatron has Rodimus Prime backed into a corner on Earth and new resources to draw upon from his new fortress Of Darkmount Nevada. He is eager to get his claws upon the next generation of altered super soldiers to raise them to be completely loyal to the warped Decepticon cause. The Warlord draws on an unexpected source's expertise to create a being to track the infants down. With Starscream dead, killed by his own biological son Jetstorm, and Dreadwing gone rogue, Megatron's new second in command is someone out of Carbine's worst nightmares.

Dreadwing and Carbine try and reach safety with the headquarters of the Nova Corp, with two of their sons in tow. With Carbine growing ever helpless as the pregnancy progresses will they make it to safety before whatever Megatron sends after them catches up? Or will they have to fight to survive as a family on the run across the Galaxy.

And as we know...

The dead don't always stay dead.

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