Chapter 13: A 3,000 Year Old Legend

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The other turtles, Splinter and Angie, were enjoying some pizza for dinner, unaware of what happened to Casey, Raph, and Skyla.

"Mmm. My compliments to the chef. Le-" Mikey said, then let out a loud burp, disgusting the others.

Then he asked. "Anyone for dessert?"

"No," Donnie, Leo, and Angie replied.

"Yes," Splinter answered.

"Is Mikey always this revolting?" Angie asked Leo.

"Sometimes," he replied.

"Hey," Mikey whined.

Then the phone rang, and Donnie answered it.

"Cowabunga Carl Party Services. Cowabunga, dude," he said.

"Raph's hurt. You need to get over here right away," April's voice said really fast.

"Whoa, slow down, April. What happened to Raph?" Donnie asked.

"I don't know. He's unconscious. And we have a little girl named Skyla here. She asked for you to bring her sister," April explained.

Donnie sighed and answered. "We'll be right there."

"What's going on, Donnie?" Angie asked.

"Raph's gotten hurt, and Skyla's with him at our friends' place," he explained.

"Skyla's WHAT?" Angie was shocked.

A few minutes later, they arrived on the fire escape and came through the window. Casey was sitting in a chair backwards, Skyla was holding Raph's hand, and April placed her hand on his shell.

When she looked up to see the guys and Angie, she saw Leo was with them.

"Leo. You came back," she smiled.

"Leo," Casey greeted.

"Sorry the reunion isn't under better circumstances," he said.

"Skyla!" Angie ran over and hugged her.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine," Skyla answered.

"Whoa. Nice pad, kids. Oh hey, Raph?" Mikey said.

Angie saw April and was amazed. "Oh, you're the girl Leo was talking to back in the jungle."

"You saw us talking?" April asked with a surprised smile.

"Yeah. I'm Angelina, Angie for short," she smiled.

"I'm April," April smiled.

"And I'm Casey," Casey added, shaking her hand.

Donnie kneeled down and rested his finger on Raph's neck.

"Well, his vital signs seem to be okay. Pupil dilation is normal," he said, looking in his eye.

That's when they noticed the object in Raph's shell.

"Whoa," Donnie said.

"Whoa," Mikey and Leo added when they noticed.

Using some forceps, Donnie got it out of Raph's shell and examined it.

"Some sort of stone. Probably obsidian, I think. But I can't tell since it's in half," he explained.

"Well, is he gonna be alright?" Leo asked, checking on Raph.

That's when Raph was waking up, grumbling as he smacked Leo's hand away. "You're still here? Go back to your jungle."

"Well, at least his personality's still intact," Leo smirked.

"Hey, Don, this one is whole. Maybe you can get something from it," Angie said, grabbing the star and giving it to Donnie.

Ghost Love (Leo X Angie) TMNT 2007Where stories live. Discover now