Abandonment Issues/Bathtime Confession

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I felt my entire body tense up, and shoved Miranda away, my heart racing, out of breath. I locked eyes with Miranda, one hand covering my mouth, and she seemed to be almost as shocked as I was at what had just happened. "Why did you do that? Why would you-" I could not form proper words, starting to shake, and as she replied, "Never mind why I did it.. It was a foolish mistake, and it will not happen ever again. Do you understand me??" Icy rage coated her words, each one striking my heart like a dagger, though I did not understand why it hurt so badly. "No, I do not understand you, and that has been my problem since the moment we met. One moment, you act like you care for me, and the next, you shut me out once again, and I am growing tired of such games." Her eyes narrowed, as I began to make my way past her, her hand latching onto my wrist tightly. "Where are you going?" I pried my wrist free, and replied, "Anywhere but where you are, Mistress."

Her eyes widened, unprepared for what I called her, but it was what she was, was it not? She played with me, broke me, and then put me back together again, and all for what? For her amusement? I was tired of living that way, and she had promised to let me leave months ago, so whether she allowed it or not, I was taking my leave. She glanced at me silently for a few moments, then stormed off into her room, slamming and locking the door behind her, leaving me confused. She was not.. Going to stop me from leaving? That thought caused me to hesitate, and I sighed, before sitting down on the bed nearby, groaning in frustration. Why, why did I hesitate at every opportunity to escape her? What did I owe her? She had done so many horrid things to me, and yet, the idea of leaving her caused my stomach to twist and my heart to ache terribly.

Over the next few days, I waited for Miranda to come out from within the confines of her room, but she did not, and I began to feel.. Worried. I attempted knocking on her door, but there was no answer, and if she were moving inside, she was very quiet about it, as if she were trying to hide her very presence. I continued waiting, first for one week, and then another, and after that, I could not stand it any longer, the faint worry I once had now fully blown into concern for her wellbeing, and I once again knocked at her door. "Miranda, if you do not come out, then I will have to come in, and considering how private you see to be, you will not enjoy that." She did not answer, and so, with my heightened strength, I broke the lock open, and the door slowly swung open.

Her room was an utter mess, with papers torn and strewn about, along with books and clothing, as if she had flung them about in a fit of rage, and there was a musty smell in the air, as if dust had gathered in piles around the place. There was no light, but I could still see within the darkness, and I frowned, spying Miranda among the wreckage, her back to me, as she sat in a chair, facing the window. Her hair was a complete mess, her robes wrinkled and dirty, and I wondered if she had eaten in that entire time, her thin frame looking even thinner. "Miranda?" I cautiously approached her, a bit fearful and wary, prepared for her to shout or toss me out, but she did neither, merely turning her head a bit towards me, her normally vibrant gaze filled with exhaustion and sadness. "I thought you were planning to leave, little angel. Why have you changed your mind?"

I raised an eyebrow, my concern growing by the minute. "Miranda, I have been outside your room for over a week.. I never once left. What is the matter?" A weak smile formed on her lips, as if she found my words amusing. "What is the matter? I- I truly am not certain at this point. I have been cold and alone for so very long, that I almost had forgotten what it feels like to-" She trailed off, turning her head back away from me, as if she had almost said something she did not want me to hear. I hesitated, knowing that I should not, but could not help myself, as I gently grabbed her hand. "Will you at least allow me to bathe you? You are filthy, and no one as beautiful as you should be covered in filth that way." That caught her attention, her head snapping towards me once again, and she seemed to struggle to stand, nearly falling once she managed to get up.

I sighed, and very gently picked her up, holding her close to my chest, and could swear I saw a faint blush on her cheeks, though she did not protest. I carried her to her bathroom, and gently set her down on the toilet, before running her some warm bath water, nervously glancing at her clothes. "Do you.. Need assistance with those as well?" She frowned, and shook her head, before proceeding to struggle with her robes. I groaned in annoyance, and moved her hands away gently, before tugging her clothes off of her, careful of her wings, and did my best to not stare, looking away as she sat down in the tub. "Why are you doing this.. Naomi?" I blinked, and glanced at her, my face instantly heating up as I saw her naked skin beneath the water. "I- Because I want to help you.. I am not entirely sure why, but I could not leave you behind, either. It made me feel ill to even think of doing so."

She fell silent for a moment, then quietly replied, "I see.. Just as the thought of you leaving made me feel ill as well. It seems that we have both found ourselves in quite a predicament, haven't we?" I felt confused, not entirely wanting to understand the meaning behind her words, terrified of admitting to myself what she already seemed to know. "I am just as terrified as you are, little angel, but I cannot hide it from myself any longer. I will not blame you if you do not feel the same, but I- It seems that my cold heart has been thawed by you. No one has been able to accomplish such a thing in centuries, and after I lost my Eva, I thought it entirely impossible to feel love again. And yet, here we are.." I froze, my heart skipping a beat or two, and I felt as if time were standing still. "I- You-" I sighed, and felt hot tears sting my eyes, as I whispered, "I should hate you for what you have done to me.. I want to hate you, but I cannot. I am frightened by what I feel for you, but I cannot stop myself, either. I feel the same for you as you do for me.."

I could not stop the tears that began flowing down my face, and Miranda's eyes widened as she looked at me, concern in her gaze. "Come to me, Naomi.." I obeyed, and made my way over to the bathtub, kneeling beside it, and flinched, as her fingers tenderly brushed away my tears. She sighed, and softly told me, "I am not certain what we should do now, but I will learn.. I will learn to love you as you deserve to be loved, and I will protect you, As I said before, you are mine, and mine alone, as I am yours. Do you understand how special you are? No one else makes my heart flutter like my crows as you do, little angel." With that, I could not stop the feelings I had been shoving down so deep inside of me, and pressed my lips to hers, tangling my fingers in her hair, my heart having been captured by her like I too had been..

The Angel and The Crow~Mother Miranda x OCWhere stories live. Discover now