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   She sat down on the deck of her wooden cottage, folding the heap of clean laundry, a contented smile on her face. Her little daughter played before her, a game of hopscotch. Even if she was alone, even if they were far away from their fellow members, they didn't need anyone else. At six, her daughter was smarter than most kids her age, one of the reasons she played by herself as the other kids didn't like the little smart one. It didn't matter, her daughter paid no mind to it. They had each other, that's what matters.

   Shoving the last folded sheet into the yellow basket, she stood on her feet and stretched to her full length. Now all she had to do was deliver the clean laundry, get paid and dinner is served. Climbing onto the deck, she snapped her fingers at her daughter.

   "Darling, I'm going to deliver the laundry, don't stay out too long. If I take too long—"

   "Go ahead to pick the tomatoes and mushrooms, I know, Mother. You just go, it'll be done before you return." The woman smiled and nodded, that is precisely why her life was easy. They cared for each other not just as a mother to a daughter, but also as siblings. She went inside, grabbed her coat, and returned. She picked up the basket and gave her daughter a kiss before running off. She still had to get to the market to purchase the fish her daughter likes, that'll definitely please the young girl who works so hard to give her a reason to remain alive.

   In less than two hours, she was done with her delivery and purchasing some groceries from the market. Rushing back home with her basket filled and a sack flung over her shoulder, she returned to her comfortable home. Her daughter was no longer outside. She smiled. She carried the sack and basket inside, heading straight to the kitchen. However, just three steps into the kitchen, her enhanced hearing picked up on the pain-filled whimper of her daughter.

   Without hesitation, she flung the sack on the wooden floor, but gently dropped the basket. Whirling around, she sped over to the bedroom they both share. Knocking the door out of her way, she was greeted with a confusing sight. Her baby girl lay on the floor, twisting herself as she cried and jerked. The hair growing on her skin, the half-shifted face, the extended claws. Her daughter was shifting.

   At first, she stood rigid at the door, unable to comprehend what was going on. Her daughter was only six. The last time she checked, six years old didn't shift. Confusion turned to panic, she didn't know how to handle the whole situation. How would she guide the pup out?

Alpha, yes, alpha can help!

   She opened the mind link to summon his help, but something quickly crossed her mind. She took a proper look at the screaming child, the fur growing on her was red. Panic mixed with horror, absolute horror.

   "No, no, this can't be happening!" She screamed, rushing over to her daughter. She daintily scooped the little child into her arms, sobbing as she watched the child jerk and cry. She was no fool, she knew what that colour stood for. "It's okay, sunshine, Mummy is here, she'll protect you. Please, baby, listen, it's me, shift for mummy." She repeated soothing words to the ears of the child, slowly guiding her to her final destination.

A little wolf pup.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared down at the small pup, a painful smile on her face. The pup wiggled to get on her feet, already filled with excitement. The woman put the pup down, pressing the back of her palm to her lips to muffle her cries. The young pup struggled to walk, yelping when she fell flat on her face at every try, but never giving up. Unaware of the tears of her mother.

   Finally, after minutes of trying, she was able to take three steps before falling and trying again. The woman stood up, a look of determination on her face. No, she'll protect her daughter, she'll do everything she can to make sure the only one she has left survives. She might not have the power to, but she had the intellect. And luckily, so did the little one. She won't lose her only source of happiness, even if it cost them both everything.

A/N: this book is a sample. I'm only posting a few chapters to advertise it. So if you're interested in reading, you can get the link to the app it'd be posted exclusively. In case this will anger you later, please don't read.

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