The Pervert

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Roarke thought about the woman who was shamelessly eyeballing him at the cafe and his mood further turned sour. He had noticed her immediately when she walked it. Not because of her shapely long legs or the long and bright golden hair atop her head which fitted her perfect face.

Aside from her bold stride and the strong scent of her perfume which smelt like daisy and fresh sweet mint, she looked out of place in her coffee brown skinny jeans with a cream turtle neck. Her golden curly hair cascaded down her shoulder, stylish boots complimented her look.

A frown appeared on his face, he wondered what was keeping Ronald this long since their agreement was to meet there. He blamed Ronald for making him wait there to think about a female who is not any of his business anyway.

He glared at his phone, waiting for him to pick his calls. He scantily look ahead and saw the golden haired lady, sitting in the corner with her hair parked in a ponytail. It looked better when it was down.

She looked settled and ready to get to work, seeing the things on her table. "For God sake Ronald, pick up the damn phone" he cursed.

He checked his watch to see how long he had before meeting the new engineer who will spearhead the project. He had delegated the task of getting an experienced and skilled civil engineer who is capable of heading the project to Ronald. All he needed to do now is to officially meet the person, he tursted Ronald to get the job done but he would not be satisfied until he saw the person himself.

He had already been impressed by her achievements and she came with a strong recommendation from one of his professor from his Alma Mater.

With a worried and displeased look, feeling irritated for sitting there while waiting for the dick head, he glanced up and saw the woman, looking at something of interest. He followed her gaze, curious to see what she could be looking at, he narrowed her eyes when he realised that the blasted woman was checking out a guy, one of his employees to be precise.

The appreciative smile on her face pissed him off, he hates her type of women who thinks they can just sit and eye fuck whoever they like.

Pushing the pervert out of his thoughts, he sent a quick note to his daughter's nanny to drop her off at his mom's house. His heart warmed when he thought about his daughter. Ari was one of the humans he loved with his whole heart, then his parents and his annoying siblings, and Serena and Sarah of course, his older brother's wife and daughter.

After the painful encounter he had with Ari's mother, he vowed to keep human as far as possible, tolerate those that are tolerable, love his family while others can go to hell for all he cared. Roarke is civil and polite but he doesn't go beyond. He preferred being in his space, working and being there for his daughter.

He suddenly felt a gaze on him, bloody hell!

He knew whose gaze that was but didn't look up anyway, his nostrils flared out of annoyance, cussing and blaming Ronald for keeping him waiting, he noticed  the woman had gone to get her coffee, he wondered what she was doing here. She didn't blend with others in their outfit, which were mostly dark suits and shirts. Unlike her who dressed like someone out to advertise for a fashion magazine.

He frowned, perhaps she was waiting for someone, she couldn't be an engineer, he doubted. Girls like her would rather sit their ass up at home, painting nails or getting their hair done than think about studying plans or structure. He scoffed.

The goddamn stare returned, in full force this time around, he looked up suddenly and scowled at her. He narrowed at her, clearly shooting daggers with his look to let her know to back off.

Her eyes widen, she spiled hot coffee on her body and sprang up to avoid being scalded. That's what you get for being a pervert!

Not in the mood to be in the same space as that woman, Roarke strode out, with the intention of killing Ronald when he sees him.

Ignoring his assistant, he barged into his office to get ready for the day, few minutes later Ronald showed up.

" What the hell happened to meeting at the coffee shop?"

He shot at him angrily,

"I'm sorry bro, I had an impromptu meeting with a client" looking apologetic.

"And it didn't occur to you to tell me that?" He retorted

"I wanted to but it slipped my mind"

"Will you be joining me to talk with Vanessa Sloan, when she arrived?"Checking his wrist watch to see how much he had left before she comes.

"Don't think so, I have to meet another client around that time"


Feeling his anger ebbing away, he dialed his mother's cell,

"Good morning, mother"

"Morning, baby"

"Ari's nanny will drop her off with you, I'll be a little bit late today"

"No problem, I've missed her so much anyway"

"Thank you, ma"

"Anytime, son"

Roarke didn't like being a burden to people, even though he was sure that his mother loved having Ari around and didn't see her as a burden, however, Ari is his burden, his responsibility, a result of his sheer ignorance and youthful exuberance. She was the only thing he didn't regret from the decisions he made in the past.

His family had been there for him when he was going through a rough patch. Not rubbing it in his face after they clearly warned him not to be blinded by lust which he thought was love.

He made the mistake of loving and trusting the wrong person after all the warning, he was too blind to see the signs. He had paid and suffered greatly for his lack of foresight and not heeding to the warning.

He damned well not going to repeat what happened in the past, he would not be subjected to falling for another wanton female.

Who he cared most about is his loved ones, especially his daughter and no one else.

He was glad that the only thing Ari got from her mother was the colour of her hair, honey brown hair.

He heard a soft knock on the door, with a curt "come in" his assistant informed him that his next appointment had arrived.

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