The Plotters

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After a brief meeting with her team members and delegating tasks some minutes after the presentation, Vanessa unbuttoned her blazers and tied her hair loosely in a bun to concentrate on noting down things to add and replace to make her office to her liking.

"Hello there!" she heard a voice said after a soft knock. Vanessa looked up to see a handsome stranger grinning and walking towards her for a handshake.

She doesn't need to guess much to know who he is because of the parting on the chin and the strong resemblance to Ronald. Both has the same eye colour, except that this one has a mischievous glint on his face.

He's a beautiful man, by the way.

"Sorry to disturb you but I could help but notice when attractive young woman passed me by", he grinned "I saw you entered your office some minutes ago and I was blown" and I wanted to see the new source of Roarke's annoyance.

Vannesa face flushed, oh, he's charming!

She flashed him her brightest smile and shook his hands, "hello to you too, Reese"

Surprised that she knew him, Reese raised his brows, "I know I'm popular among the ladies and I'm sure I would've remembered someone who is as hot as you if we've met before", waiting expectantly to hear how she knew him.

" I know two other people with same chin cleft and resemblance, although you look more like Ronald, one could easily mistake you as twins"

Reese made himself comfortable on the chair across her, he shrugged, "it was just few months between Ronald and I. Guess my parents liked digging it like rabbits" he winked.

Vanessa threw her head back and laugh, he's funny too! And friendly, unlike someone.

"You did not hear it from me" he kept a straight face, the only thing which showed that he was joking was the slight spread of his lips.

"You wouldn't be related to my celebrity crush, would you? Because you're almost as hot as she is"

Vanessa blushed, "almost? oh you wound me Reese" faking a hurt look, she placed one hand on her heart.

Reese smiled, "I like you already Vanessa, but I like Blake Lively more"

"Wow! Then it's such a honour to even be compared to being almost as hot as Blake Lively"

"I agree, she's smoking hot! Reynolds is one lucky bastard"

She nodded her head in agreement, yes, he is"

"So, How's the new city treating you? Have you toured the whole city"

"Well, my best friend and I have done some but I'm sure we still have a lot to tour, wanna recommend places for us"

"I can do better, since you're my friend" he paused and gave Vanessa a pointed look, "we're friends, aren't we?"

"Oh yes, we are"

"Good! I'll like to invite you to my club. I own a small club downtown. What's say you a tour in my club tomorrow night along with your friend?"

"We'll surely be there tomorrow, my friend", looking well pleased and excited, can't wait to tell Tori.

Reese who had been dying to get the scoop, actually, the Vanessa's version of what happened between her and Roarke spoke, "now, which of my brothers is your favourite?"

Vanessa scoffed, "Ronald of course, he's nothing but a gentleman" she smiled.

He gasped playfully, "are you indirectly saying that Roarke isn't?"

Thinking about Roarke's sudden reaction at the conference room, and his behaviour lately, her mood deflated a little, joy killer!

"Reese, your brother is not a gentleman, well, not to me. He's rude, disrespectful and arrogant. I think he deliberately pisses me off, he acts like I'm beneath him. I intend to knock him off his high horse of arrogance"

Reese found it funny that both of them had a similar expressions of anger and irritation, when describing or talking about the other. Interesting, Vanessa might be just the right person for his obstinate brother! He thought.

Wanting to fuel the fire more between them, a bulb suddenly turned on in his mind, "Nessa dear, I can call you Nessa, can't I?"

As soon as she nodded, he continued, "since messing with my brothers adds colours to my bland life, how about I help you in your mission to kick my brother off his stallion?" He grinned widely, rubbing his palms together.

Vannesa looked at Reese carefully with a narrowed eyes, "I know siblings are pain in each other's butt but why would you want to help an outsider to pinch your brother's butt? she raised her brows, "figuratively " she quickly added.

"Because that brother of mine is becoming immune to my mischiefs, I need someone to spice things up. And remember, I need more colours in my life. You get to knock him off and I get to witness a satisfying fall, It's a win-win situation!" He grinned.

Vanessa brought out a lolly pop from her stash and held it up to him, "ok, deal!"

"I guess you have a sweet tooth"

"I'm a sucker for sweet things, that's why I can't never stand your brother" she said.

Reese grinned,  never say never, my friend.

"I'm so looking forward to our friendship and mission Nessa" Reese spoke, making plans on how to play cupid. He felt thrilled.

The shrill of the phone put an end to the naughty schemes being planned by the two evil plotters.

"Miss Sloan, I'll like to see you in my office, now!"

"The look on your face already gave away the person on the other end of the line"

"Yeah, it's Mr. R.O.C.K" she deliberately spelt his name as rock.

Reese laughed. "If you want to make him angrier, try doing the opposite of what he expects from you"

An evil glint appeared on her face and she curved her lips, "oh, I like you Reese".

He winked and stood up, "I'll take my leave and look forward to seeing you tomorrow. As much as I would loved to witness his reaction to your lateness, I have a prior engagement"

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles, "nice meeting you, my lady"

She smiled, "nice to meet you too, my lord" she courtesied.

They both burst into laughter and Reese stepped out, whistling like a pirate who just found a long lost treasure.

Vanessa took her time to plan and design how to rearrange her office before getting up to meet Roarke, mentally preparing for what to come due to her lateness, she strolled out.

What do you guys think about Reese and Nessa's evil plots?


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