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"I'll take you to the station, Hermione." Said Ron, clearly unsure of what to think.

Hogwarts was officially re-opened and Hermione was ready to go off and finally complete her last year.

"Thanks, Ron." She said with a smile.

Things had been awkward for the last few months between Ron and Hermione since the incident with Celine. Ron of course had apologised profusely over and over again, but Hermione still held him at arm's length.

It wasn't just because Ron had stared at Celine that day or even that he was negative about her choice to go back to hogwarts. It was because she just couldn't work out why she felt like Fred was a better friend than Ron was a boyfriend.

Fred told her everything she needed to hear. He encouraged her to follow her dreams and supported her, embraced her for who she was and cared for her in a way she'd never been cared for by anyone. But Ron was her boyfriend. That was his job. Ron was supposed to make her feel special and tell her she's beautiful and reassure her and respect her in the way that Fred did.

Fred had made her feel like this a few times, but she barely saw him now because Weasley's Wizard Wheezes had opened again and just before school was peak sales time for them.

He was usually home late or so tired from work the day's work that he went straight to bed, but they'd caught glances of each other a few times, but nothing as intimate as the comforting hug Fred had given her that Hermione just couldn't seem to get off her mind sometimes when she was just about to drift off to sleep.

She'd made sure she saw Fred one last time when she collected her school supplies for the year from Diagon Alley. He'd given her a smile and a small hug. It wasn't anything like one of his warm, tight, comforting hugs, but a hug all the same.

He beamed when she complimented his magic, even though she didn't approve of half the products in the shop, he offered her any item she wanted for free. She briefly considered a WonderWitch product for Ron, but politely declined by saying:

"You owe me one, Freddie. I need time to think."

As she packed her trunk, she was filled with nostalgia of her first time at hogwarts. The nerves, the excitement and the magic.

"Ready?" Asked Ron.


They left early that morning. The journey to King's Cross was almost silent. Barely anything was said between them. Ron was still hostile about Hermione leaving, but he was doing his best.

When she got onto the platform, he gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek.

"See ya around I guess." He said

"Goodbye Ron." She replied with uncertainty.

Hermione looked over and saw Harry and Ginny.

Ginny threw her arms around Harry.

"I love you, Harry." She said into his neck. He kissed her and rested his forehead on hers.

"We'll be okay, Gin. I love you too." He said. "Now don't miss the train."

Hermione looked at them and then looked at Ron who was avoiding eye contact.

"I'll see you at Christmas, yeah?" She said, trying to make their goodbye less awkward.

"Yeah." Mumbled Ron, turning away from her and going to find Harry who had just finished helping Ginny with her trunk.

"Oh hey mate, didn't see you there." Said Harry. "C'mon, let's walk together, what's up?" He asked, looking at Ron's expression.

The thing that makes me smile the most - A Fremione StoryWhere stories live. Discover now