Temporary Home

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A search was set in stone. Guile, Charlie and a few more Interpol officers looked all over the property. One thing Guile noted were damages on the door of Bonita's bedroom and the walls around it. It was a bit easy to assume what occurred there.

With Bonita's help, they packed up some of her belongings. Guile had offered her a room at his place. She eagerly accepted, after all It's not like there were other options. As they got in the car, Bonita felt tempted to ask him a question. "Uh..Guile?"

"What is it?" he asked curiously.

"Um...I know I may not stay with you for long but..do you think you can one day teach me how to fight?"

He smiled and nodded "Yes ma'am. I'd be more than happy to teach you how to defend yourself."

Bonita smiled "Sweet..." she uttered as she held onto one of the stuffed animals, staring out the window as they drove to Guile's place. "Oh..by the way- do you know how to make roast stew..?"

"Yes, actually. You feel in the mood for some?" he glanced over to her.

"Yeah..is that okay?" she tilted her head and he looked back at him.

"I don't see why not, I'm sure we'll have time to make some. How do you feel about having it this weekend?"

She happily cheered a bit "Yes please, I promise I will help make it with you."

He couldn't help but feel relieved with how excited she was, given how the past few days have been. "Okay then, it's settled. We can make a roast stew this weekend with all the fixings." He promised her.

Guile helped bring in the boxes inside, allowing her to sleep in the spare bedroom. Despite Guile insisting she could try packing all her stuff, she only had interest in a selected amount of items. Bonita also insisted they can unpack later on so Guile could show her around the place. Everything about the house was the definition of "The American Dream", very large with a typical white picket fence all around. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms...it was quite a lot compared to what Bonita grew up with. It made her wonder why Guile had such a large place if he lived alone.

Over the course of a couple of days, Bonita tried to adjust to living there. It felt like a privilege. When Guile had to work he allowed his girlfriend, Julia, to look after Bonita. It was awkward at first but she seemed very nice. Bonita wondered how close the two really were, similar to how Guile was with Charlie.

Julia wouldn't always stay overnight, at least as far as Bonita noticed. Truth was Guile wanted to give her time to get comfortable.

After a long day of work, Guile walked in to see Bonita drawing as she sat on the couch, Julia was cooking dinner. Perfect timing, he thought. He did offer to help out with the food but Julia insisted he relaxed for a bit. He would protest, but decided to accept it. He plopped down next to Bonita and soon turned the tv on a low volume.

Bonita didn't really look up from her task, more involved in her sketchbook. Guile couldn't help but be curious at what she was so focused on. "So... What are you working on there, sweetheart?"

Bonita flinched, but soon smiled. Without a word she turned the page towards him, it revealed a drawing of him. He blinked in surprise at the drawing, not expecting that at all. It was pretty good! "Wow, that's really good! You're amazingly talented," He said, smiling proudly.

Bonita felt happy to be praised, offering more " Wanna see more drawings?"

Guile nodded eagerly "Of course!" He leaned forward, wanting to see more of her work. "Just show me anything you want to share." He chuckled softly, gave an encouraging smile as he waited. Bonita flipped through a few pages and explained the contents of each. There were some random scribbles, some anatomy studies that seemed to be based on medical models, and a variety of outfits. Guile caught on that she had quite an eye for fashion. He would nod approvingly from time to time. Some of these were very well done indeed. He couldn't help but chuckle a little when he saw some more sketches of him, finding them adorable. "Yeah, those are definitely good. You've got a great eye for style."

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