Chapter 1

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As I walked with purpose through the corridors of my residence, I once again sensed those hazel eyes upon me. Despite being aware of the reason behind his presence, I had attempted to dismiss him. It was clear that these eyes should have eluded the perception of an ordinary human, a status which I was bound to. Yet, this marked the third occurrence within the week, and I found my curiosity getting the better of me—a surge of intrigue coursing through my veins, much like that initial moment when I first detected his watchful gaze.

Guided by an irresistible urge, I proceeded to the balcony, stepping into the refreshing embrace of the night's cool breeze.

Proximity was striking; those eyes now drew near, tantalizingly close, almost within my grasp.

Leaning against the balcony, my gaze swept over the expanse of the sea as my tired fingers wearily combed through my gray hair.

Always so tired.

"If I fell off this balcony, would you save me?" I asked the night.

Silence was my answer.

I couldn't help but let a small smile creep onto my lips.

"You know, this place is like a hidden gem in the palace," I shared, my voice carrying a hint of excitement.

"It's funny how just being here takes me back to some distant memories," I mused, my gaze drifting up to the starry night.

Everything around us seemed to quiet down.

Resting my fingers on the smooth stone railing, I found myself lost in thought.

"I actually received a letter from your High Lord, so I get why you're here. The other Queens haven't quite made up their minds about it yet. It's likely a power play, but my guess is they'll agree to meet with him," I said, pausing to let the words sink in.

Another moment of silence passed.

"Would you consider coming back tomorrow? Your quiet presence somehow brings a sense of calm," I said softly, as if sharing a secret with the night.

Leaving the railing, I turned to face the night sky with a content smile.

"I'm Lily, by the way. Sleep well."

And as I walked away, I could feel those watchful eyes following my every step.

Our nightly one-sided conversations had evolved into something I eagerly anticipated, spanning over a span of about two months. Despite his unseen presence, I could sense his eyes upon me. A silent connection had formed, and I suspected he found a degree of pleasure in these exchanges as well. Yet, a yearning for more stirred within me, a desire I kept suppressed, reserved for another time.

As soon as I set foot onto the balcony, an unmistakable sensation gripped me—a weight on my chest akin to an anvil's pressure.

"The air feels unusually heavy tonight," I observed without hesitation.

I wasn't one to tiptoe around subjects; that simply wasn't my nature.

A pause lingered, a silence that spoke volumes.

"Could this heaviness be a response to my reluctance to meet your High Lord once more?" I inquired, my voice cutting through the quiet.

Another interval of silence.

"I deeply regret my absence from the initial meeting. I heard it didn't unfold favorably. Typically, I avoid interactions with the other Queens. Our perspectives diverge significantly, and they've made their stance on your High Lord abundantly clear," I remarked candidly.

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