Chapter 38

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Turns out, when you have the superior numbers, as well as the superior tactics and better weapons, victory is essentially guaranteed. It was mere weeks before the Yam'rii were driven back and forced to relinquish the sacred grounds they had claimed, and with a handful of vague threats and a sinister aura that felt like the cold embrace of death, they were also forced to free the slaves they had captured, unless they wanted to be exterminated. All of them. Overall, a very satisfying day. Very satisfying indeed.

The Kaleesh were less advanced than other species, but they really know how to celebrate a victory. It was a simple thing really. A big fire, food and drinks, and dancing. The Purge Troopers that were brought along were still a bit stiff, but they were steadily getting into the swing of things. It was nice. A subtle side glance reveals Grievous leaning against a large rock on the edge of the fire light.

The Kaleesh warrior strides up to the Sith Lord, who tenses his body, ready for a fight if necessary. Grievous draws his shoni spear and stabs into the ground, a fierce look in his eyes. "What are your intentions?"
Not understanding, Vader maintains an aura of cold indifference. "My intentions?"
"What is it you hope to gain from my planet? Resources? Warriors? Wives, perhaps? Do you hope to quell the wars here?"
Vader merely stares at the general for a moment before putting his drink down. "I have four planets under my rule, so excess resources won't be necessary, I only take willing soldiers into battle, I'm not a slaver, and I'm not really into the multiple wives thing like your people. And war is a part of your culture. It is a sacred thing. As long as you keep it on your planet, and as long as you stick to traditional weapons, I don't see why I should step in. Consider your loyalty to be my intentions." With that, the Dark Lord of the galaxy heads for his ship to prepare for an early departure, leaving the Kaleesh warrior to his thoughts.

Preparing the ship, Vader is interrupted by R2's beeping. "Someone's approaching the ship?" Exiting, he sees Grievous striding towards him with confidence. "Ah, Grievous. What can I do for you?"
The Kaleesh is silent for a few moments before answering. "Would my people be welcome amongst your ranks?"
"Without a doubt. Although, the training is gruelling."
"War is gruelling."
There a moment of silence before Vader smiles and extends a friendly hand. "Welcome to the Empire, General Grievous."

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