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After exiting the black Aura limousine, Marko Ivano entered the dark gray skyscraper that housed Russtech Ammunition's headquarters. He walked down the dark-lit corridor with photographs hung on the wall of ex-Russian presidents and, of course, the new president.His corporation was the biggest in Russia, but the sanctions from the United States made it impossible for him to do business. As the private elevator approached, Marko stepped inside. His chief of security, Mikhail Pavlov, an ex-GRU officer, met him.

Mikhail's expression hardened. "We have a problem, sir. I haven't heard from Fallon in a while. What if Fox killed her before she could eliminate him?"

Ivano rubbed his chin as his forehead furrowed, thinking that couldn't be. Fallon was one of his best agents. Ruthless and efficient. "Do you know where Fox is?"

Mikhail nodded and said, "Yes, we do. He went to see the Embassy to covert station chief Conor Dallas. My asset inside told me that Fox was questioning him about the duffel bag of twelve billion dollars and what his mission was in Ukraine."

They emerged from the elevator, heading over to the massive office that overlooked Red Square. Ivano strode over to the window. He glanced out at the people walking by, taking in the scenery. Ivano pivoted and made his way over to his desk. He sat down and leaned back into it. "Pavlov, what do you suggest we do about Fox and getting the twelve billion dollars back?"

"What about Kateryna Pasternak? She's an undercover assassin for Night Drop, but we need someone with the skills of Fox to permanently eliminate him and recover the item," Mikhail said.

"What do we know about Pasternak?" Ivano inquired while he made a steeple of his fingers.

Mikhail brought up his iPad and typed his password as the screen flashed on. He clicked on the file code named The Ghost. "Her father was an oligarch, and her mother was a Russian intelligence officer for the KGB. She had gone to Saint Petersburg University. Her specialty is long-range kill shots with a sniper rifle. She also trained in hand-to-hand combat fighting. She is a weaponry expert with knowledge of all weapons."Four weeks ago, she was in Sweeden when the foreign minister was assassinated."

"Where is Pasternak now?" Ivano asked.

"I believe she's in Vienna," Mikail told him.

"I want you to go to Vienna and meet with Miss Pasternak," Ivano said as he stood up.

Mikhail nodded as he exited the office and walked over to the elevator. The doors slid open and he stepped in. He knew how dangerous Pasternak was. So he was going to have to be careful. There was still a question that puzzled him. He did not know where her loyalty lay. That was a big problem for him. One minute she could be your asset, and the next, she put a bullet into you. Mikhail didn't need that right now.

He strode out and walked out through the doors, heading down the sideway to his car. Sliding in, Mikhail closed the door behind him and sped down the street through the busy traffic on his way to Moscow International Airport. He omitted the part about Erc and Mazie Jennings training Pasternak. He knew all too well who they were.Arriving at the airport, Mikhail turned the corner, heading to a private hangar that belonged to Russtech Ammunition.He parked outside, stepping out and closing the door behind him.

The two Russian Wanger mercenaries nodded at Mikhail, seeing him coming toward them. He made his way through the security gate and went over to the hangar. Mikhail entered, walked up the stairs toward the Gulfstream, and sauntered over to the bar counter to pour himself some vodka to drink before he sat down in one of the comfy chairs.The jet roared down the tarmac, lifting into the evening sky.

Ivano recalled a time when his country held the status of a superpower. Fared by the West, but that ended when the Berlin Wall came down and they dismantled the KGB. His corporation had supplied the Russians with a Leer-4 electronic warfare system. Everything was going as planned until Fox showed up in Ukraine.

He didn't understand why the new president in the White House had opposed sanctions on business in Russia. What was she trying to prove by doing that? The West had always inferred in their affairs first the coup in Moscow. He remembered it well. The tanks were rolling into the city back then, and he had stolen one of the state oil companies where he had the first billion. after that, he sold it and began his armament corporation

He reached into his pocket in his tailor-made suit as his phone vibrated. There was a text message.

The foreign minister wants to meet soon.

He knew exactly why the foreign minister wanted to meet—the tension was palpable. The sum amounted to a staggering twelve billion dollars. Ivano was aware that the foreign minister's actions were always under the watchful eye of the Russian president. Why was it so important to the Kremlin?Ivano's fingers moved swiftly as he typed a message on the bright LCD screen of his phone.


Placing his phone down on his desk, he reached down and pulled open the drawer, revealing a collection of shot glasses. He confidently strode over to the fridge, anticipation building as he opened it and retrieved a chilled bottle of vodka. Drinking his shot, he savored the sweet taste as he drank it.It was Ivano who had remained one step ahead of the Russian oligarchs who fell out of the twelve-story window in their offices.

The screen flashed with a message. The FSB's safe house

As Ivano glanced at his phone screen, he pondered why Putin chose a safe house for the meeting. After closing the drawer, he walked back to the fridge. He returned the chilled vodka to the fridge and pocketed his phone.  Ivano walked out through the revolving doors, went over to his limousine, and slid as the driver grabbed the door.

They drove through the overflowing street at night, and he looked out the darkened tinted windows. The twelve billion were supposed to be delivered to the Danske Bank in Tallinn, Estonia, for the money laundering operation. The CIA unexpectedly discovered that the bank was handling funds associated with the Russian President's family. A luxurious neighborhood greeted them as the limousine arrived.

Upon reaching the sidewalk, they parked on the curve where two Russian agents stood outside, their grip on the H&K MP7 firm and unwavering. Stepping out of the vehicle, the chauffeur's gloved hand gripped the door handle for the oligarch. Ivano got out of the car and walked up the sidewalk, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the muted street. As he entered, they nodded at him to do so.

The Russian operative shut the door after him. Ivano approached one chair, arching an eyebrow and gazing at the exquisite Russian interior. He began to ponder the rationale behind the Russian president's external security. He settled into the chair, crossing his legs.

"We had no prospect of winning the war in Ukraine without twelve billion dollars, Ivano," Putin said in a threatening tone.

Ivano meticulously selected his next words before responding. I understand, Mr. President, and that is not a problem. The money will be retrieved, and Fox will be assassinated."

The foreign secretary stroked his beard, jumped to his feet, and snapped," You have to do better, or you will soon be thrown out of your office window likewise."

He tensed at the thought of a Russian assassin throwing him out of his twelve-story office window. Unlike the oligarchs, he supported the Kremlin. In a certain way, he blamed the West for everything. That was all going to change soon; they would pay for what they did to his country, and Ukraine would see how dangerous they were.He rose, walked over, and pivoted at the foreign minister.

"I hired the best to assassinate Fox." Kateryna Pasternak, she will not miss him," Ivano said as he walked out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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