Part 3

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Ruby, Hailey and Scott have ran back to Ruby's house, they entered the house where Ruby's father Arthur Gillman was cleaning a ship in a bottle. "Hi sweetie how was the game?" Arthur asked.

"Can't talk dad, official Kraken business with these witnesses." Ruby said.

"Witnesses?" Scott asked as the three walked upstairs.

The three teens entered Ruby's room as Ruby sighed. "Ok let me see it." Ruby said.

Hailey nods as she reaches into her backpack and pulls out the fragment of the trident and her list. "This is the list and the trident fragment." Hailey said.

"Whoa, you weren't kidding. It looks like you made a big list." Ruby said.

"Yes, I have to complete everything on that list to save the world." Hailey said.

"From what? Aliens? World War 3? A rogue A.I?!" Ruby questioned.

"More like prevent Climate Change." Hailey said.

"Huh that's a new one." Ruby said. "So you have to do everything on the list?"

"Every single one." Scott replied.

"Not to mention, I have to help her Hailey complete every item on that list." Beta said as he exits Hailey's backpack and got up onto Ruby's bed. "The name's Beta."

"You're kind of cute." Ruby said as she poked Beta's belly.

Beta's eyes turned into two hearts and said. "I wuv you." Beta's eyes turned back to normal and glared at Ruby. "Never do that again ever! I ain't cute I'm tough."

Then a dog-like creature with pink skin and a blue mouth, it has pointy teeth in his jaws and has a purple tongue that he sticks out of his mouth, it has pink eyes on it's blue antenna, it has ears shaped like fins and has a short tail, wears a knit collar, and has six legs enters the room and eyes at Beta.

Hailey, Scott and Beta screamed at the sight of the monster. "What the heck is that thing?" Scott exclaimed.

"That's Nessie and he's my pet Loche ness Monster." Ruby explained right when Nessie jumped up on Ruby's bed.

"Back off you ugly mutt!" Beta shouted right when Nessie approached Beta.

"So what about you and that Nerissa girl?" Hailey asked.

"At first I knew her as Chelsea, she wanted to be my friend but she used me to get the trident of Oceanus. She was against Nerissa, Queen of the Mermaids." Ruby sighed. "She wanted revenge on my mom."

"She looked like a teenage girl? If she's a Queen how is she that young?" Hailey asked.

"She was pretty hot." Scott smirked but this got glares from Ruby, Hailey and Beta. "What?"

"Three things Scott. One, she's evil. Two she tried to kill Hailey and Three, you're an idiot!" Beta said.

"Does he always do that?" Ruby asked.

"Sadly yes." Hailey sighed. "But how did a trident from a God broke into pieces?"

"Actually Oceanus was a Titan." Beta corrected as he avoided Nessie.

"My mom, Grandmamah and I destroyed by combining our laser visions." Ruby replied.

"You have Laser eyes!?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah I sure do." Ruby smirked at that remark. But that was short lived when a gold line passed over the four and they look outside and see that everything is flooded underwater. Then another gold line passes over the gang and everything went back to normal. "What was that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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