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Imagine a place where everyone's intelligence is measured by a number.

Your entire life is based on that singular number.

There are some places you can't even enter if your number isn't high enough.

Having trouble picturing it?

I guess you've never been to Omniscern.

Here, in this wonderful country, the population is divided into different districts.

Science, Math, Communications, History.

Science holds some of our best engineers, biologists, and designers. Math is comprised of our signature mathematicians, along with our economists, as well as our technology designers. Communications includes our merchants, translators, and politicians. History has our paleontologists, archaeologists, and geographers.

Those are Omniscern's values, all vital to keep the country running. Long ago, they figured out that most of humanity's problems were caused by the irresponsible people of our population.

To solve this, Omniscern created a policy to place the ones with higher intelligence with higher authority positions to ensure that intellectual decisions were made.

As a result, the country runs smoothly, and there hasn't been any sort of violent disagreement in the last two hundred years.

No riots, uprisings, protests, or wars.

But of course, this peace comes with a price.

When children enter this world, lab made or live born, they are raised by their parents. As they near maturity, they are required to take the Test that determines their future.

The parents have 18 years to prepare their child for that moment.

Well. Tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday. And my test day.

Hi, I'm Varolen Myrk. Welcome to my world. 

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