Chapter 3

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Don't worry, dying isn't a common thing that happens in the Test. Most people stay alive.

It's just that for some... the Test is a little more deadly.

Skylar whips his head back towards the noise, eyes wide with fear. "We should stick togeth-"

Just before he finishes, a large black feline leaps out of the undergrowth nearby. It charges towards us, white fangs glistening.

I wisely ignore Skylar's advice and get out of there. I take a few turns, lined with more cobblestone coated with moss, and have a life changing apotheosis.

We're in a maze. For the first part, we'll need to escape.

First part? Well, there's four in the Test. Usually. Sometimes there's 3, 5, maybe one.

I did mention that the Test changes every year, didn't I?

For that reason, I can't afford to let my entire family legacy down because I decided to go buddy-buddy with the only other Tester.

I always thought those cliché books where friendship was one of the main themes were pretty stupid anyways. But that's just me.

As soon as I realize that I'm out of danger, I take a look around the walls. There should be some kind of tell tale sign or clue, telling us about our task here.

Yes, you might say, Well, it's a maze. Just escape it!

Dear reader, you gotta understand this. The Tests are never that simple. Okay, sure, we might need to escape the maze, but the exit won't be the easiest thing in the world to find.

Also, what kind of idiot wanders around a maze, hoping the exit will appear?

I attempt to look for landmarks, but so far, all I see are candle holders serving as the only light source, distanced just a few feet away from each other.

I take a moment to admire the little flame on the wick. I've only heard of these things from the books. Long, white sticks of wax that were used several hundred years ago, back on Earth.

I wave my hand over it, marveling at the heat, then scold myself.

I'm not a stupid child. I'm an intelligent being and I need to pass this Test.

That being said, I take the candle out of their holder and do the same for every other one down the path. I don't have a ball of string, but this should suffice.

Assuming they don't just respawn later.

I ignore the thought and look down the now darkened road I leave behind. The Tests were designed to be difficult, not impossible.

Of course, I don't know who designed the Test, but does that really matter right now?

A little further on, I hear the sound of rushing water. Given that this is the only element in the maze that is unusual compared to the rest, I go towards it.

It takes another few turns for the thick river to come into view. More underbrush comes into view too, but I dismiss this observation.

The river is lined with plant life more dense than any other that I've seen throughout the maze thus far. Green ferns and thick bushes stand at the edges, with a small number of little trees accompanying them.

As I near the river, small white shards poke up from the dirt. I crouch to dig them out, but here's where I make my mistake.

Remember when I said that there was a lot of underbrush? I should've really taken that as a sign, because more dark felines emerge from the plant life, hissing and snarling at me.

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