It's my fault ( L! Youngseo X F!Reader )

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Y/n's pov-

"Would you like to go out with me?!" I asked Youngseo.

"For the 18th time this week, my answer is always N.O." She yelled at me and walked away.

I stood there looking stupid again. Should I stop asking her out? But I can't give up after 3 years of working together as employees in this cafe and trying...

Then... I will continue! I smiled and walked back to my friends.

As I was walking, I could see my friends from afar.

"Y/n! There you were! Hurry let's go to our house!" Moa dragged me out of cafe.

Our crew all walked together to our house. "How was work?" Yewon asked.

"Amazing as usual!" I answered her with a smile. I spun around as I walked.

"Let me guess... because of Youngseo unnie? Am I right!!?" Iroha stopped spinning me and asked.

I nodded. She suddenly punched my shoulders, it really hurt. "You're supposed to be focusing on your job not Youngseo unnie." She scolded.

The others agreed. You cannot blame me for not focusing while working. It's literally THE Lee Youngseo!

"How could you focus when there's a literal beautiful angel in front of me?!" I said.

All of them groaned and rolled their eyes. For all of these years they've always told me to not go for Youngseo before something will hurt me.

I mean I've been hurt a lot but I'd rather be hurt by Youngseo than anyone else.

My friends call me crazy which I think I am? We soon arrived to our house and entered inside.

The five of us raced upstairs to Moa's room and half of us laid on her bed and the other sat on the floor.

"I can't believe it's already dark out. The days have been going by too fast." Minju said and looked out the window.

We all nodded and decided to talk for awhile. "Sooo...Y/n when are you gonna give up on Youngseo?" Moa asked me.

I would usually answer 'never!', but this time I actually thought about it.

I didn't really know what to say so I kept quiet. All of them looked at me. "Hello? Y/n! You'd never miss out the topic of Youngseo." Yewon waved her face in front of me.

I looked up at her and answered. "I actually think... soon."

All of them gasped like they 'totally' didn't just tell me to give up.

"But why?? Don't you like Youngseo unnie like A LOT?!!" Iroha asked.

I nodded. "I've been thinking today that I should stop soon because for the past 3 years all I've been doing was being up in Youngseo's personal bubble." I explained as they quietly listened.

"So tomorrow I'm gonna stop being weird to her and just act like her coworker."

They stared at me like I committed a crime. "You would still like her wouldn't you?" Minju asked.

I nodded. "There isn't really a point on confessing anymore because she's rejected all 19, 710 of my confessions."

"You've been counting?" Moa asked me with her concerned face.

"Yeah? Who wouldn't?" I answered. They all raised their hands like they're in class.

I laughed and we continued to talk until we felt tired and went to bed.

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