Yes 💍

15 1 0

Chapter 20-

"Everyone my brother would like to say something." Bill spoke into the mic once they finished.

"Hi everyone, as many of you know I have an amazing girlfriend! I would like to get her up on stage. Kathrine can you come on stage please?" He said looking at my direction.

I looked over to a securities guard who nodded at me and guided me to the stairs and helped me get on stage. I walked over to Tom confused.

"Hi my love!" He said to me as I walked up to him. "Hi!" I said. "Everyone, this is my girlfriend Kathrine and she means the world to me!" He said. He took a moment while the crowd cheered. Once they finished he said, "I love you so much Kathrine and I want you to know that i want to spend the rest of my life with you!" He said. As he said that I leaned in for a kiss and he kissed me back.

After a moment he got on one knee and pulled out a small box and opened it. It had a gorgeous diamond ring in it. "Kathrine, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He said looking up to me with love in his eyes.

I got down on my knees to his level in shock. "Yes!" I said in tears. He put the ring on my finger and pulled me up. He then passionately kissed me.

After a couple minutes we both pulled away out of breath. I looked behind me to see Bill in tears, his eyes filled with now as he had his hands over his mouth. He ran up and hugged me I hugged him back still in shock. He pulled away and I saw Georg and Gustäv running up and hugging me also. Once they pulled away I looked out to the crowed and stuck my hind out for them to see the ring they all cheered once I did that.

I looked back over to Tom who was smiling. I ran over and hugged him again. "I love you to much!" I said. "I love you to!" He said as he hugged me back.

We all walked of stage and all the staff came and congratulated me and Tom. Someone brought a thing of champagne and we all poured a glass. "Cheers to the newly engaged couple!" Bill said as we all held our glasses up.

(Time skip)
We all moved onto the tour bus so we could head to the hotel. "I wasn't expecting you to propose tonight." I said sitting beside him. "Well, I love you a lot and I wanted to make sure you will always be mine!" He said looking at me. All I could do was smile. "The ring is so pretty." I said holding my hand up and looking at it. "I'm glad I wanted to make sure I picked out the perfect one for you!" He said kissing my forehead.

After a 30 minute drive we made it to the hotel. We were greeted by paparazzi but the body guards stood at around the entrance of the hotel. We walked into the hotel and checked in.

Once we got the keys we made our way to the room. "Goodnight Bill!" I yelled down the hallway while Tom was opening the door. "Goodnight Kathrine!" He yelled back.

"Thank you." Tom said looking at me smiling. "For what?" I said. "For saying yes!" He said smiling even more. "Tom, no matter what I will always say yes. I love you so much!" "I love you to" he said as he came up to me and kissed me.

We both opted for a shower I grabbed my clothes for after and so did he. He turned on the water, "that is cold." I said having to turn it up. "No, your just weird and like showers scolding hot." He responded with back.

I used the soap the hotel provided and put it in my hair. "Here let me help you." Tom said washing my hair for me. "Thanks." I said smiling. "Anything for my fiancé." He said rinsing my hair. That made me smile even more hearing the word fiancé.

(Time skip)
We were laying in bed Tom was already asleep with his arms around me. I couldn't sleep at all thoughts were flooding my brain. 'Is it to soon to get engaged? Was I to young to be getting married? How would my mom react when she found out? WAIT IM GETTING MARRIED TO TOM KAULITZ?' I thought to myself. After a minutes of thinking I realized how In love I was with this man and how I'm so grateful to have him in my life.

After a couple minutes I fell asleep in the arms of my fiancé...

(End of chapter)
Y'all don't come at me for making her already engaged to Tom. But honestly I think if someone is I love and they think it's meant to be and they are ready to get engaged they can get engaged and get married.

And this is a big chapter and sorry for making it short and not posting a lot I have been struggling with insomnia and depression a lot more lately and it's getting bad so I'm just trying to help myself first. And it's currently 5:20am on a school night. But luckily I'm homeschooled but still my moms going to kill me 😭.

Love you ❤️❤️❤️

The love of my life (Tom Kaulitz)Where stories live. Discover now