Chapter Twenty Six

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I'm so sad I had half this chapter written and when I got on to finish it, all of it was gone! Hopefully it's just as good or better than what I wrote before because battle scenes are rough to write sometimes!

The six of them couldn't help the horror crossing their faces, and the terror chilling them to the bones. Hogwarts was in ruins, curses were being flung in every direction as bodies fell. They make it to the marble staircase as they race down. Emma deflected every single curse thrown in front of them as they contiuned to descend the staircase, Matteo casted stunning spells and full body bind curses to whatever Death Eater was in their way. The couple worked together like they were one person, sharing one mind. It was incredible to witness and even more extraordinary to be one of the four they were protecting. As the couple contiuned to pelt through the fighters Emma and Matteo spotted Rolf Scamander in combat with a Death Eater oblivious to the one who was about to curse him in the back. Emma felt the tug of her ancient magic her hand starting to raise "Don't!" Matteo screams at her. He quickly sends a stunning spell towards the death eater saving Rolf. Matteo looks at Emma "Do not use your ancient magic until the last second. You will exhaust yourself too quickly." he tells her his voice softens as one of his hands cups her cheek. She leans in for a kiss, their lips meeting for one brief moment. "I love you" Emma smiles as she pulls back. "I love you" he quickly says before they go back to deflecting and cursing. 

They make it down the staircase when they come up to a gigantic troll towering over them, they halt their run as the troll sees them. Emma's eyes widen as she realizes he's holding a broken quidditch goal post. "This way, this way!" Draco yells at them as they follow him towards a column that was broken and toppled over. The troll swings the quidditch goal post at them missing them, he seems to loose his senses his back towards them as the six of them make a run for it. "Nope! Other way! Other way!" Draco yells again as they all quickly turn. Dozens of  Acromantula coming running towards them to join the battle. Matteo grabs Emma's hand as they run underneath the trolls legs. "Crucio!" a death eater cast towards her. Matteo deflects it as Emma sends a stunning spell hitting the women with efficiency. Matteo contiuned to deflect, protecting Emma as she sent out several curses. The six of them jump through rumbled windows, they stop abruptly as they spot Fenrir Greyback feasting on Lavender's dead flesh. Rage fills Emma's chest as she screams out blasting him off her body and out a window falling to his death over a cliff. They didn't have time to stop, the shock was begging to take over Emma's body. Matteo looks deeply into those light green eyes "We can't stop, love. One foot in front of the other." he guides her, she nods her head registering what he's telling her as she picks up her pace. 

A troll uses the quidditch goal post to try and skewer the six of them through the broken windows, they nearly escape as he slams the post against the brick walls causing it to tumble to the ground in broken pieces. They make it to a stone bridge when suddenly a hundred Dementors glided toward them, advancing right for the twins. Emma and Matteo stand in front of everyone shielding them. Both of them casting their patronus, Emma's doe just like her mothers and Matteo's hippogriff. Together their patronus's make a powerful massive shield repelling the dementors pushing them back. Everyone looked at them a mixture of shock and awe, Matteo and Emma were truly incredible together. They make their way to another set of stairs as they descend down them in a rush. The closer they got to the boathouse the slower their pace became. They didn't want to tip anyone off with their rushed footsteps, they hide behind the building as they listen to Snape and Voldemort's discussion.  

"You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand my the last few hours alone." Snape's voice filters out towards the six hiding. "No. I am extraordinary....but the wand resists me." Voldemort tells him. "There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander himself has said it. Tonight, when the twins comes, it will not fail you. I am sure of it. It answers to you...and you only." Snape tries to reassure him. "Does it?" Voldemort questions him. "My Lord?" Snape sounds wary at the Dark Lord's questioning. "The wand. Does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know. Where does its true loyalty lie?" Voldemort tells the jet black haired man. "With you....of course, my lord." Snape tries to once again reassure him. "The wand cannot serve me properly because I am not its true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus....but only I can live forever." Voldemort tells him "My Lord.." Snape begins but is cut off. Voldemort slits Snape's throat with Sectumsempra. His body thuds against the windows that Emma and the others are hiding behind. All of them flinching as Emma covers her mouth to silence her gasp. Matteo's arms come around to hold her, his lips kissing the top of her head. "Nagini. Kill." Voldemort orders. The snake does what he asks as she strikes Snape over and over again. The six of them listen to the hissing as she strikes, his body banging against the window every time she bites him. Emma nestles her head into Matteo's chest to muffle her cries. He gently strokes her hair trying to comfort her. Voldemort and Nagini leave, Emma and Harry come through a side door the rest of them following closely behind. Hermione could barely stomach Snape's bloodied body leaned against the windows. 

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