Chapter: 9 Smile

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"Minho we got a problem" Chan said as soon as he opened the door making Minho sigh.

"what is it this time" Minho said coldly as he did not want to deal with anything and just be with Jisung.

"Jiyeon has requested for you asap" Chan said as Minho groaned he stood up and followed Chan.

They went outside the mansion and called one of Minho's driver to the company.

When they reached both quickly went inside the company and everyone became quite as the employees did not expect their boss to come at this time everyone bowed as Minho ignored them while Chan smiled at everyone all the delulu girls squealed when Chan smiled at them.

Chan and Minho went to the elevater and pressed the highest floor button. It made a ding sound and the elevater doors opened both of them walked towards one of the office rooms.

Minho opened the door and there was someone sitting on the couch Minho walked towards him and sat down on the couch in front of the person.

"long time no see Han Jiyeon" Minho said coldly while Jiyeon smiled.

"well it's a pleasure to meet you too Lee Minho" Jiyeon said well if your guessing Minho and Jiyeon along with Chan are friends since both were in college.

"ok, why did you want to meet me?" Minho asked while crossing he's arms.

"I need your help with destroying Jackson's Mafia" Jiyeon answered making Minho raise his eyebrow.

"that bastard has been attacking my place and many of my men has been injured so I want to take revenge on him" Jiyeon said as Minho smirked darkly sending shivers down Chan and Jiyeon's spine.

"I would gladly help, that son of a bitch deserves a taste of his own medicine" Minho said in a deep and cold voice as a drop of sweat fell from Jiyeon's face he quickly wiped it.

"t-thank you Mr. Lee" Jiyeon said sweating as Minho got confused why he suddenly called him by Mr. Lee when he always calls him by his name.

"well then we can discuss more about this you can come to my mansion today to discuss about the plan" Minho said as he stood up and bought his hands towards the other.

"of course" Jiyeon said as he stood up as well and both shakes hands.
At the mansion:

The doorbell rang as Changbin went to get the door he opened the door and saw Minho and Chan with another person who he didn't quite know.

"oh you guys are back" Changbin said as he moved away to let the three come in Jisung came downstares and seeing Minho he quickly ran and hugged the older.

"hyungie! Your back I missed you so much" Jisung said as he hugged Minho tightly, the older put his hands under Jisung's thighs so he doesn't fall.

"I missed you too my little angel" Minho said chuckling while Jiyeon was shocked he thought in his mind if that was really the Minho he knew since college he has never seen Minho this soft and that too smiling?? He felt like it was a dream until Chan shook him to reality.

"don't worry your not dreaming I was shocked too but I guess you could say that little squirrel guy is Minho's comfort person" Chan explained chuckling.

"wow that cold ass guy really found someone that can make him soft I can't believe this" Jiyeon said in disbelief as Chan laughed at Jiyeon's reaction.

"You'll get used to it soon don't worry mate" Chan said chuckling.

" will take awhile for me to get used to this" Jiyeon said while scratching he's nape.

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